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Marketing Day: September 19, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

What if a prominent journalist followed a brand’s Twitter account and no one noticed? No one on behalf of the brand reciprocated the follow. In an ideal situation, the journalist would have been thanked, added to a list, and engaged. Ouch! It’s easy for community managers to get caught up in the daily and hourly […]

A new survey sponsored by mobile lead-gen provider Pontiflex found that 49 percent of small businesses (SMBs) are “somewhat likely or very likely” to incorporate mobile into their marketing efforts in the next year. The online survey had 1,300 respondents, mostly from the US. Among those that were already buying mobile ads/media, 72 percent planned […]

More than 25 million users leverage StumbleUpon to discover great content across the web. Today they’ll be able to discover more content quicker than ever thanks to new iPhone and iPad apps. Not only are the apps easier to use with navigation and design upgrades, but they also contain new features like StumbleDNA and slide previews. “Slide” […]

In case you missed the big announcement on the Today Show yesterday morning, Twitter has updated profiles with a new Timeline-like header photo that will appear across platforms, transitioning the social channel to become more visual and image-centric. How To Update Your Twitter Profile Header There isn’t an obvious “update” on your profile, though, you’ll […]

Want to make sure that all of your friends know you bought that car, got that job or are doing fine in your relationship? Well, thanks to an expanded test, you may be able to ensure that your friends see your most important posts — for a price. Kristel Cuenta of Kairay Media spotted the expanded test […]

It’s been a week since Google released its first ever YouTube app for the iPhone and iPad. It’s now the top free app in iTunes and may be a harbinger of what will happen with the expected Google Maps app. YouTube Loses Default Status It may sound odd to some that YouTube is new to […]

Twitter has a new iPad app out for the service. Some hate it already. Certainly it feels less “iPad-like” than the old one, in that you can’t just swipe around with a finger to go between content. But the app does have nice benefits in learning about others or discovering engagement on tweets. Let’s take […]

Twitter debuted a shiny new user profile page today and simultaneously launched new versions of its official iOS and Android apps. Much was made of the changes, but lost in the PR blitz is this: Any Twitter user that posts photos to the service from now on will be doing it via Twitter’s own photo […]

The much-rumored Facebook ad network is taking another step closer to reality. The social network has confirmed that it is testing a mobile ad network that utilizes Facebook’s data to target ads to users when they use mobile apps or visit certain mobile web sites. The mobile ad network test builds upon what Facebook has […]

When asked to identify their top five priorities for the year, social integration and improving analytics were highest on the minds of email marketers, with 37% of those surveyed choosing each goal. That’s according to a new study conducted by the Relevancy Group and sponsored by Return Path. The survey was conducted in August 2012 […]

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