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Marketing Day: September 16, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Google Analytics To Cease IE8 Compatibility By End Of 2013 Google Analytics announced today that it will not be compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 by the end of this year. According to the announcement the company is, “Deprecating official compatibility of Google Analytics with Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) at the end of 2013.” Google says it wants to focus its energy on new […]

  2. Study: Nexus 7 Usage Flat, Kindle Up Following Discounts Ad network Chitika has released data on the comparative traffic being driven by the Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire, prompted by the introduction of the new Nexus 7 in July. Chitika looked at North American tablet-based web traffic between June and August of this year. While Nexus 7 web traffic remained remarkably consistent during the […]

  3. Google AdSense Now Available For HTTPS Sites Starting today, site owners using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) protocol can add AdSense ad units to their pages. Google has updated the AdSense ad code to support Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) used by many sites including ecommerce, financial services and social networking sites to protect sensitive information like passwords, payment information and financial […]

  4. Yandex Launches Look-Alike Audience Ad Targeting For Display Campaigns Today Yandex announced the addition of look-alike audience targeting to its growing list of ad targeting capabilities. Advertisers can now target new users whose online behavior is similar to that of their own site visitors who have take a specific action such as completing a purchase or adding items to the shopping cart. Both Google […]

  5. Pew: 34 Percent Go Online “Mostly” With Mobile The Pew Research Center released new survey data about mobile phone internet access today. The organization says that 93 percent of smartphone owners use their phones to go online and 63 percent of all mobile phone owners do so. Pew says that 34 percent of all those who go online with their phones do “most” […]

  6. Effective Tactics, Innovative Solutions, Beneficial Connections – Attend SMX East In Two Weeks! SMX East returns to New York City in just two weeks! Here’s all that’s in store: Proven Tactics: Google algorithm changes making your organic rankings erratic? What’s the best way to profit from increased mobile device traffic? Are Enhanced Campaigns diminishing the effectiveness of your paid search advertising? What’s the potential of Instagram ads, and […]

  7. 5 Common Myths About Real-Time Bidding As with any emerging technology, there are always bound to be myths that circulate, often due to misunderstandings. Even if they do happen to have a hint of truth to them, they can often misrepresent reality by taking exceptions and presenting them as rules. Other times, people might take a vendor’s approach to a certain […]

  8. The Human Side Of B2B Social Media: Eight Benefits Of Social Media Marketing As more businesses launch successful social media campaigns, it’s becoming clear that opting out of the social revolution can put companies at a competitive disadvantage. Social media offers the immediacy and interactivity consumers want and anticipate. It can intensify customer engagement, drive quality leads and produce higher ROI. Consumer brands understand just how essential and […]

  9. Social Analysis Firm DataShift Lands Real-Time Tumblr Data Stream Tumblr has been making quite a few tactical maneuvers since being purchased by Yahoo! in May. Today they’ve solidified a deal with DataShift, a data analysis & analytics company. DataSift users will now have access to the full Tumblr firehose of 5.5 billion global interactions. Marketers will be able to use this Thumblr data to […]

  10. IBM Launches Digital Marketing Network, Offers Single Tag Integration With 100+ Vendor Partners IBM has launched the cloud-based IBM Digital Marketing Network to give clients easy integration between more than 100 ad tech vendors. The network allows organizations to share analytics data with their other advertising and marketing solutions to inform media buys based on individual buyer behaviors in real-time. The network harnesses Digital Data Exchange, IBM’s tag management […]

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