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Marketing Day: September 13, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s IPO announcement, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo has had to clarify that the company isn’t testing the sending of sponsored tweets via push notification. The background is that several Twitter users have reported that they’re getting tweets pushed to their mobile devices from Dropbox — tweets that go beyond the […]

If the dashboard for your Google+ Page is showing that you suddenly have zero followers, two things: 1.) You’re not alone. 2.) Google knows about the problem and is working on a fix. I started noticing the bug yesterday: All Google+ Pages that I manage are showing that they have zero followers. It’s happening only […]

Twitter’s Android app has been steadily improving over the past year, getting a cleaner UI and more features. According to The Verge, the Android app is getting a new set of duds. The new look is a lighter, crisper version of the Twitter app and will be available for beta testing now. Gone are dark […]

ChannelAdvisor’s August report on Same Store Sales (SSS) shows that, despite slight dips from July, Amazon and eBay continue to show stronger growth than the ecommerce market as a whole. Amazon SSS rose 24 percent in August while eBay SSS increased by 19 percent, compared to 16 percent growth for overall ecommerce (excluding travel) in […]

Continuing with my dashboard series that began on Search Engine Land and continued over to Marketing Land when the entire analytics column migrated to Marketing Land, this post is going to talk interactive charts. When you’re creating a dashboard, real estate is minimal, so you find ways to consolidate your data and allow the dashboard […]

Twitter’s verified users have two new filtering options on their “Connect” tab that are aimed at weeding out spam and making it easier to communicate with other verified users. The two new filters are labeled “Filtered” and “Verified.” In an email to verified users, Twitter explained how both tabs works: If you click on “filtered,” […]

Facebook says it’s starting to test auto-playing videos in user News Feeds. But most brands, advertisers and marketers will have to wait for their videos to get this treatment. The test is rolling out on mobile devices over the next few weeks. Videos will auto-play as the user scrolls through the News Feed — but […]

How do you tell the world world that you’re planning to go public? If you’re Twitter, you tweet it — and that’s Twitter did today. The tweet was sparse on the details, saying that Twitter “confidentially” submitted an S-1 filing to the US Securities & Exchange Commission to go public: We’ve confidentially submitted an S-1 […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

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Blogs & Blogging

Business Issues

  1. Microsoft’s and Google’s Problem Is That They Can’t Leave Well-Enough Alone, Forbes

  2. A Short Post, a Big Splash: #TwitterIPO, New York Times

  3. Facebook Sunsets Credits, Transitions To Local Currencies To Boost International Payments, TechCrunch

  4. Google swaps out MySQL, moves to MariaDB, The Register

  5. How Twitter became a beating pulse of global news,

  6. Sheryl Sandberg, David Fischer Continue Selling Shares In Facebook, All Facebook

  7. The Twitter IPO: Some Initial Analysis,

  8. Twitter Doles Out Stock Grants to Keep Key Talent, All Things D

  9. Twitter IPO will come sooner than you think,

  10. Twitter IPO: Union Square Ventures, Jeff Bezos Firm Among Those That Stand to Gain, Wall Street Journal

  11. Twitter Sets Market Debut in Motion With Filing for IPO, Bloomberg

  12. Why Twitter’s $350 Million Acquisition Is Brand Publishers’ ‘Holy Grail’, Contently

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