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Marketing Day: September 12, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

IDC has released its latest devices forecast arguing that tablets will overtake PC shipments (desktop + laptops) in Q4 of this year. The firm said that for the full year PCs will still have larger numbers, but that will change by 2015 with tablets outpacing PC shipments. IDC expects essentially flat growth for the PC […]

Today Google+ Hangouts On Air relieved some impressive updates that will help fuel interaction and interactivity. The new feature has been dubbed the lengthy “Live Q&A for Hangouts On Air ” moniker and allows the presenter to view and answer questions in a format that allows others to follow along. Presenters will now be able […]

A new survey from the Pew Research Center focuses on the use of location on mobile devices. It found that roughly three-quarters (74 percent) of smartphone users access directions and other location-related information on their devices. The survey also found that checking in has declined in popularity since last year. Among “check-in” services Facebook is […]

A new test of animated AdSense text ads has popped up. This version features large blue headlines and the arrow boxes are gone. Now just the ad that is hovered over displays a new circular blue arrow icon. Here’s a video captured by Barry Schwartz: Google began testing an animated text ad block unit in […]

Privacy continues to be Facebook’s nemesis. The company’s envelope-pushing approach to privacy has repeatedly been the subject of complaints and litigation over the years. And now it’s caught between a court-mandated settlement and the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Facebook recently settled a “Sponsored Stories” class action lawsuit for $20 million. That suit argued that Facebook […]

While perusing the latest and greatest stats on mobile adoption rates, I ran across recent report by the UK’s Internet Advertising Bureau that really got me thinking. It stated that, as of January 2013, 57% of the top 100 UK brands now have a mobile-optimized site — up from 37% just six months earlier. Given […]

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