Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
ScribbleLive Buys Visually, Marrying Content Distribution With Content Creation Jan 28, 2016 by Barry Levine The combined company says it now offers a unique platform with capabilities that span planning, creation, distribution, and analytics.
Five Ways Small Businesses Are Powering Growth With Marketing Automation Jan 28, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot We know from experience that working with a small marketing team is great for communication, but the workload can be a bit overwhelming at times. Small business marketers are often juggling myriad tasks on a day-to-day basis, from email marketing to social media monitoring and more.
Apartments.com Launches Its Super Bowl 50 Campaign With Lil Wayne & George Washington Jan 28, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues Along with rapper Lil Wayne, Apartments.com’s #MovinOnUp Super Bowl ads will feature actor Jeff Goldblum.
AdSupply Battles Adblock/Adblock Plus With Its Patented Technology Jan 28, 2016 by Barry Levine The Culver City, California-based company claims the software is 75 to 100 percent effective at blocking the popular anti-ad software.
Final Call: Early Bird Rates Expire Saturday. Register For SMX West. Jan 28, 2016 by Marketing Land Supercharge your search marketing campaigns by attending Search Engine Land’s SMX West. Join others obsessed with SEO & SEM March 1–3 in San Jose, CA. Early bird rates expire this Saturday, so register today! Don’t miss out on three days of: Performance-boosting SEO & SEM sessions.
Brand Bidding & PPC Optimization: How We Got Here (Part 1 of 8) Jan 28, 2016 by Lori Weiman The biggest question facing paid search advertisers is how to get meaningful growth numbers out of PPC. Columnist Lori Weiman believes the answer lies with brand bidding.
The State Of Cross-Channel Paid Search, Part 1: SEM & Social Jan 28, 2016 by Josh Dreller In this first in a series on cross-channel marketing, columnist Josh Dreller discusses how paid search and paid social can work together to improve overall marketing efforts.
Search Update Impact On SEO & Content Strategies: Staying Ahead With A Focus On Quality Jan 28, 2016 by Jim Yu Columnist Jim Yu explores how Google’s numerous algorithm updates over the years have shaped search engine optimization strategies. Can this information provide a clue for what to expect in the future?
Facebook Now Seeing 100 Million Hours Of Video Watched Daily Jan 28, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues Facebook’s CEO and COO both say video is crucial to the social media site’s overall growth.
The ABM Maturity Model: 4 Keys To High-Performing Account-Based Marketing Jan 28, 2016 by Peter Isaacson Whether you’re just getting started with Account-Based Marketing or are well underway with your strategy, columnist Peter Isaacson outlines four areas you should focus on to find ABM success.
Using Email To Drive Your Brand Value To Greater Heights Jan 28, 2016 by Paul Ford Columnist Paul Ford reveals key components for creating and reinforcing a strong brand with your email marketing programs.
Mobile Ad Growth Of 81% Drove Facebook’s Huge Fourth Quarter Jan 28, 2016 by Greg Sterling Yesterday, Facebook announced a $5.8-billion quarter, the majority of which is ad revenue ($5.6 billion).
Colgate Launches Official Super Bowl Ad & Extended Version Of Its #EveryDropCounts Spot Jan 27, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues The 30-second ad will be Colgate’s first appearance as a Super Bowl advertiser.
Banner Q4 For Facebook: Revenue Tops $5.8 Billion, Ad Revenue Per User Jumps Jan 27, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Ad revenue climbed 57 percent in Q4 2015 from a year ago. The average ad revenue per user in the US and Canada increased to $12.89, up from $9.86 in Q3.
Gigya Report: Facebook Still Dominates Social Logins But May Be Fading A Bit Jan 27, 2016 by Barry Levine The social networking giant has been dropping slightly since mid-2015 — while Google has been gaining.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
CJ Affiliate Holiday Season Highlights, blog.cj.com
Analysis: What is the Best Source of Web Traffic?, www.blogtyrant.com
Jargon Hype: How Word Usage Is A Barometer For Industry Buzz, adexchanger.com
Blogs & Blogging
11 Excuses That Serious Bloggers Don’t Make, www.jeffbullas.com
36 of the Best Places to Guest Blog for Marketers (with Contact Info), ignitevisibility.com
How to Come up with Fresh Ideas to Write About On Your Blog, www.problogger.net
Why Taking the “Mean Girls” Approach at Blog Writing Fails, www.komarketingassociates.com
Business Issues
Content Marketing
3 Reasons You Need Brand Tracking, www.searchenginejournal.com
4 Ways to Find the Right Eyes for Your Amazing Content, www.convinceandconvert.com
5 Tips to Ensure Your Visual Content Is Seen tent Marketing Strategy, www.convinceandconvert.com
Align All Your Messaging With This Simple (& Fun) Tool, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Five questions every content marketer needs to answer, econsultancy.com
Conversion Optimization
A Guide To Creating Buyer Personas That Will Improve Your Conversion Rates, blog.crazyegg.com
What Do You Do With Inconclusive A/B Test Results?, conversionxl.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Designing Websites for Panda, RankBrain, Phantom, www.sempdx.org
Have You Heard of the Flat Lay or Boho Design Trends?, smallbiztrends.com
UX Industry Survey Report 2015: Bigger Budgets Empower Regular Research, www.usertesting.com
Alibaba Beats Estimates as Ma’s Push Into Rural China Pays Off, www.bloomberg.com
Amazon says Exclusives store sales top $50 million in first year, www.reuters.com
Are Retailers Providing a Consistent Omnichannel Experience?, www.emarketer.com
EBay’s disappointing forecast fuels stock decline, www.reuters.com
Pressured by Amazon, more retailers rush for speedy deliveries, www.retaildive.com
Email Marketing
3 Strategies for Maximizing Email Deliverability, blog.marketo.com
General Internet Marketing
5 Ways to Jumpstart your Marketing Strategy in 2016, www.ducttapemarketing.com
Endorsements, Reviews, and Astroturfing: New FTC Guidance for Marketers, www.marketingprofs.com
How Creative Responsibilities Are Coming To Tech And Media Agencies, adexchanger.com
What will impact Martech & Ad Tech trends in 2016?, econsultancy.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
3 Ways to Optimize Your Emails for Mobile, blog.movableink.com
37% of mobile users blocked ads in Q4, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
5 Ways Mobile POS Apps Will Supercharge Your Small Business, smallbiztrends.com
Apple’s supposed small, new iPhone is a smart idea – mostly because of its price, qz.com
Mobile advertising’s watershed moment, www.internetretailer.com
Report: Clean Master Was Android’s Most Used App in Q4 2015, www.adweek.com
Social Media
10 Ideas That Could Save Twitter, www.adweek.com
Athletes Vs. Teams On Social Media, blog.newswhip.com
Facebook Professional Services: How Your Local Business Can Rank, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Great LinkedIn Strategies that Really Work, www.compukol.com
Here’s Why Influencer Marketing Is As Powerful As TV Ads During Sports Events, www.adweek.com
Preparing for the Brave New World of Twitter, www.socialmediaexplorer.com
Social Media’s Role in Businesses, www.searchrank.com
The Boston Globe is using Notes to publish directly to Facebook, digiday.com
The real reason why Facebook is supplementing the “like” button with emojis, qz.com
What The 25 Most-Followed Instagram Accounts Show Us About The Platform, techcrunch.com
Digital Video Ad Spending Makes Solid Gains in China, www.emarketer.com
Expanding Live Video to More People, newsroom.fb.com
Inside Vimeo’s artsy approach to branded content, digiday.com
Nike’s ‘Better for It’ Women’s Campaign Gets Brand’s First-Ever Scripted YouTube Series, www.adweek.com
There Is No One-Size-Fits-All For Digital Video, adexchanger.com
When Should You Promote Video Content with Paid Media?, www.reelseo.com
YouTube wins German appeal over artists’ fees, www.reuters.com