Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Salesforce puts Lightning into its Marketing Cloud May 10, 2016 by Barry Levine The Marketing Cloud now integrates more closely with its fellow clouds, as the company also announces email and advertising updates and a new Marketing Cloud app.
5 ways SEO and PR should be working together May 10, 2016 by Erin Everhart When it comes to digital marketing, SEO and PR go together like peanut butter and jelly. Columnist Erin Everhart explains how these two teams can combine forces to benefit each other and the business as a whole.
The morality clause in digital marketing May 10, 2016 by Rebecca Lieb What if a project or client isn’t in line with your own personal ethics and values? Columnist Rebecca Lieb tackles that question and offers some guidance on when to say no.
Senate launches inquiry into allegations of slanted Facebook Trending Topics May 10, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg Is Facebook manipulating the Trending Topics? The US Senate wants to know.
Henny Penny and the state of digital marketing: The sky is not falling May 10, 2016 by Chris Glushko Columnist and IAB VP of Marketing Chris Glushko says that despite digital advertising’s challenges, it’s continuing to grow at a rapid pace, and brands are getting better at harnessing its power.
Facebook brings its retargeted ads to Instagram, travel brands May 10, 2016 by Tim Peterson Facebook’s Dynamic Ads (née Dynamic Product Ads) can now be seen on Instagram and show not only products, but also hotel room pricing and availability.
MarTech Landscape: What is machine learning and why should marketers care? May 10, 2016 by Barry Levine Self-adjusting pattern recognition is becoming as commonplace to marketing tools as the cloud, and it is changing what marketers do.
Facebook now lets brands target ads based on how much time, money you spent on their sites, apps May 10, 2016 by Tim Peterson Facebook has added new options to its Website Custom Audiences targeting to let brands suss out the most valuable members of their site and app audiences.
Success is an illusion if you can’t measure it; learn how at SocialPro May 10, 2016 by Marketing Land Driving traffic through earned/owned and paid social media advertising is the beginning of the journey. The rubber meets the road when visitors interact with landing pages and become customers. And social media marketers need to prove their mettle, not just speculate about their accomplishments. SocialPro has sessions designed to help you demonstrate the results you’re achieving.
Will personal marketing become the new mantra for political campaigns? May 10, 2016 by Melody Gambino As the 2016 presidential election draws ever closer, columnist Melody Gambino has some advice for the Republican and Democratic parties on data-driven marketing and how it could benefit their campaigns.
Facebook responds to allegations that Trending Topics are rigged May 10, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg Are Facebook Trending Topics slanted? One might think so, based on an anonymous report. Not so fast, says Facebook.
Periscope is adding search options, drone broadcasts & making it easier to save live videos May 9, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues Users will soon be able to search and categorize live broadcasts by topics like travel, music and food.
Deep-dish digital: The most Instagrammed restaurants in America May 9, 2016 by Chris Kerns Columnist Chris Kerns dives into the data from branded hashtags across the US to bring marketers insight into what social data reveals about brands and consumers.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Digital Marketing Metrics We Could Live Without, www.goinflow.com
Blogs & Blogging
10 Ways to Squeeze More Value out of Your Long-Form Blog Post, blog.crazyegg.com
Business Issues
Content Marketing
How to Create Content Like a Marketing Guru Without Actually Being One, www.jeffbullas.com
How to Create Insanely Good Content Part 2: Shape a One Page Market Strategy, blogs.constantcontact.com
How To Create Must-Read Recurring Content Columns, heidicohen.com
How to Make B-to-B Content Sexy, adage.com
Interactive Content: The Good, Bad, and Wicked Cool, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Kill These 12 Content Marketing Software Bugs (It’s Not What You Think), www.marketingprofs.com
Conversion Optimization
3 Web Analytics Mistakes Killing Your Business, thegood.com
How to Develop a Lead Magnet Strategy, ignitevisibility.com
How to Write a High-Converting ‘Start Here’ Page, www.copyblogger.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
A collection of useful tips for online copywriting that works, econsultancy.com
DX Leaders: ‘Transport Customers to Immersive, Virtual Environments’, www.cmswire.com
For More Meaningful Copy, Think Like a Fiction Writer, unbounce.com
Improving Persona Usability For Goal-Oriented UX, usabilitygeek.com
Truly Fluid Typography, www.smashingmagazine.com
Display & Contextual Advertising
Why Programmatic is the Future of Digital Display Advertising, www.adweek.com
Amazon Echo VP Mike George talks Alexa security and simplifying search, techcrunch.com
Ecommerce Page Titles Key for Shoppers, www.practicalecommerce.com
Quality Product Content Prevents Online Shopping Cart Abandonment, www.retaildive.com
Email Marketing
9 welcome emails that had us at “Hello”, myemma.com
How Email Can Help Publishers Overcome Ad Blockers, www.martechadvisor.com
Mobile Email Marketing Optimization: Tips for beginner and advanced marketers from four experts, sherpablog.marketingsherpa.com
General Internet Marketing
Great Marketing Is About Understanding People, Not Tools, mackcollier.com
Secure Your CEO as a Marketing Champion by Focusing on These Four Areas, www.marketingprofs.com
Top tips for developing a digital marketing strategy, www.branded3.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Clarion selects SDL’s digital experience and language solutions to launch 44 websites in 39 languages, www.sdl.com
Jetlore Launches Support for Multiple Content Types in Personalized Experiences Across Channels, www.globenewswire.com
Videotel Digital SENSE Solution Grabs Attention at Digital Signage Expo 2016 in Las Vegas, Literally, www.prweb.com
Act-On Launches First True Multi-Channel Account-Based Marketing Automation Solution, www.martechadvisor.com
Can You Squeeze Real Value from Artificial Intelligence?, www.cmswire.com
Most Ad Tech Buyers Manage DMPs Internally, www.emarketer.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
4 Marketing Tips for a Successful Mobile Strategy, www.toprankblog.com
Adobe Adds Mobile Location Data to Its Audience Platform, adage.com
Driving Product Demand on Mobile, blog.business.instagram.com
Majority of apps lost over 10% of downloads due to last week’s App Store glitches, techcrunch.com
People-Based Marketing: How to Reach Customers Across Screens and Devices, www.adweek.com
Reputation Management
5 Factors Making Your Site More (or Less) Credible, conversionxl.com
Google Reputation Repair Kit infographic, www.trackur.com
Social Media
“What If Social Media Isn’t Good Enough?” and Other Fears Holding Us Back, simplymeasured.com
Facebook Moments launches in the EU & Canada without facial recognition, techcrunch.com
Facebook Website Custom Audience Enhancements: Hands On, www.jonloomer.com
Hearst is betting on Snapchat Discover pop-up channels, digiday.com
How the Facebook News Feed Works: Changes Marketers Need to Know, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
How to Go From Collecting Fans to Social That Works, www.convinceandconvert.com
Instagram Feeds Worth Following: 5 Brands With 5 Lessons for B2B Marketers, www.komarketingassociates.com
LinkedIn Developing Its Own Version of Facebook Instant Articles?, www.adweek.com
The Science Behind the Most Popular Infographics, www.marketingprofs.com
These Data Visualizations Show How Facebook and Instagram Users Reacted to Prince’s Unexpected Death, www.adweek.com
Twitter Says Users Now Trust Influencers Nearly as Much as Their Friends, www.adweek.com
Why Items From Your Shopping Cart May Start Showing Up in Your Instagram Feed, www.adweek.com
A Q&A With Upworthy’s Head of Video, www.newswhip.com
Artists Claim YouTube Pays Them Less Than Spotify. Are They Right?, www.fastcompany.com
Because retro is in — announcing historical data in the YouTube Reporting API, youtube-eng.blogspot.com
DigitasLBi to Create Live-Streamed Morning Show on Facebook, www.adweek.com
Grabbing Attention: How Facebook Realized and Capitalized on Consumer Appetite for Video, www.emarketer.com
Here Are the 10 Most-Viewed 360-Degree Facebook Videos by Brands, www.adweek.com
How to Host a Blab From Your Smartphone, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Most Popular 360 Videos on Facebook: 2016, media.fb.com