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Marketing Day: Retailers Predict Strong Holiday Sales, Facebook Adjusts News Feed & More

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. 86 Percent Of Online Retailers Expect Holiday Sales Growth In 2014 Coming off an estimated 12 percent growth during the 2013 holidays, online retailers are expecting even fuller stockings this holiday season. In a survey of 200 mid- to large-sized retailers, 86 percent said they expect higher holiday sales this year compared 2013. Not a single online retailer polled said they expected to see sales decline […]

  2. Amazon Beats Google, Pays $4.6 Million For .Buy Top-Level Domain Amazon beat Google in an ICANN auction on Wednesday, and won the rights to operate the .buy top-level domain with a bid of $4,588,888. ICANN reports that there were four bidders for .buy — Amazon, Google (via its Charleston Road Registry subsidiary), Dot Buy and Bitter Sunset. Only Amazon and Google bid more than $1.5 […]

  3. Timely Change? Facebook Adjusts News Feed Algorithm To Surface More Trending Stories Facebook took a lot of heat last month about the timeliness of the news it was showing its users. While Twitter’s unfiltered feed was churning out a steady stream of information about a racially charged police shooting in Ferguson, Mo., Facebook was filled with videos of people dumping cold water on their heads for charity. […]

  4. Report: 45 Percent Made Retail Purchase After Seeing Mobile Ads Mobile advertising platform NinthDecimal released its Q2 “audience insights” report. The findings are focused on retail and contain a number of useful insights for marketers. The data in the report reflect that smartphones are increasingly being used to research retail purchases. That’s no surprise. However NinthDecimal also found that research on tablets had declined year […]

  5. You Really Have No Idea How Your Media Plans Are Being Built! Are ski trips and skydiving outings more important than marketing performance? CMOs, it’s time to look closely at how agency media planners are making decisions.

  6. Google Analytics Gives App Marketers Audience Insights And In-App Remarketing Capabilities Google continues to build out solutions for app marketers. The latest move is to provide the audience and interest data and remarketing capabilities already available to web marketers in Google Analytics. The new in-app audience demographics reporting shows app marketers how different user groups interact with their apps. And just like for web users, the […]

  7. FTC Enforces New Refund Policies On Internet Retailers D.C. news site reported this week that the FTC is coming down on Internet retailers, forcing them to ship merchandise within 30 days of an online purchase, and if unable to meet the 30-day deadline, offer a refund option. According to the report, the FTC’s Federal Register claimed online retailers are prohibited from, “Soliciting […]

  8. What Do NFC And The New iPhone 6 Mean For Marketers? You’ve read all about Apple’s new iPhones, Apple Watch and Apple Pay. Now find out about the opportunities they open up for marketers.

  9. Enhance Your Creativity Through Analytics Think data analysis and creativity are mutually exclusive? Contributor Brian Massey explains how the two can and should work together.

  10. Apple CEO’s Privacy Letter Indirectly Slams Google, Facebook Apple CEO Tim Cook’s open letter to users about privacy has sparked lots of discussion. The letter is appropriate given the recent iCloud celebrity hacking scandal, still-unfolding NSA surveillance scandal and the introduction of Apple Pay. Here are a few key statements from the letter: Users of Internet services began to realize that when an […]

  11. Top 10 Takeaways From Content Marketing World 2014 Contributor Arnie Kuenn sums up the most surprising, enlightening and actionable tips gathered at this week’s event.

  12. New In iOS 8: Sharing Is Much Easier To Pinterest, HootSuite & Other Apps It’s long been an iPhone and iPod pain point. Sharing from a mobile browser to social media networks other than Facebook and Twitter has been a serious pain, requiring a copy-and-paste workaround that seemed downright medieval in the Internet time scale. But with the iOS 8 update, that’s all changed. Now, you can add sharing […]

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  1. 13 Ways to Beat the Facebook Algorithm,

  2. 38 Tips on Social Media Etiquette for Business,

  3. 6 Steps to Measure Social Media ROI,

  4. Buffer Can Help Boost Social Engagement,

  5. Facebook Releases New Feature for Page Managers,

  6. Facebook’s US Ad Revenues Outpace Users’ Average Daily Time Spent on the Site,

  7. How to Evaluate and Optimize Your Best Social Media Content,

  8. How to Get Users to Share Social Data with You,

  9. Instagram Brand Partners Using Hyperlapse,

  10. Lost forever? Archive Team says TwitPic is blocking photo downloads before shutdown, Geekwire

  11. TV Stars Who Live-Tweet Get 228% More Followers,

  12. U.S. Adults Avg. 21 Minutes/Day on Facebook,


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