Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Marketing technologists: Here are eight steps to boost your info security Apr 5, 2016 by Barry Levine SapientNitro CTO Sheldon Monteiro summarizes his MarTech 2016 presentation on this evergreen topic.
How to find relevant and proof terms for your content Apr 5, 2016 by Jayson DeMers Quality content is great, but it won’t improve your SEO if it’s not based on solid keyword research. Columnist Jayson DeMers shares his tips for focusing your content on the right keywords.
The 4 Cs: A recipe for precise remarketing campaigns Apr 5, 2016 by Susan Waldes A lot has been said about how to best structure search and shopping campaigns, but what about remarketing campaigns? Columnist Susan Waldes discusses her formula for successful remarketing campaign structure.
Content marketing’s echo chamber Apr 5, 2016 by Patrick Armitage Is content marketing doomed to go the way of the traditional agency model? Not if we align our priorities with those of our customers, says columnist Patrick Armitage.
Merger of Experticity and ReadyPulse combines offline and online influencers Apr 5, 2016 by Barry Levine Newly enlarged company says it is the first to provide an influencer service ranging from a passionate salesperson in a store to a product-touting Instagram post.
Kik opens Bot Shop to encourage more fun and engaging chat Apr 5, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg To make its chats more fun for users, Kik launches a Bot Shop and encourages developers to get on the bandwagon to build engaging bots for the platform.
Are longer tweets better tweets? We analyzed 4,700 tweets to find out Apr 5, 2016 by Tim Peterson A look at 300 of the most-followed Twitter accounts to see how long brands’, celebs’ and media companies’ tweets are and how retweet counts vary by length.
Data-driven storytelling: the intersection of numbers and narrative Apr 5, 2016 by Joshua Reynolds Every marketer today wants to be a successful storyteller. Columnist Joshua Reynolds lays out the elements that comprise a story that’s likely to resonate and spark enthusiastic sharing.
How to beat the competition in share of voice & share of market Apr 5, 2016 by Jim Yu To increase your market share, you need to assess where you are compared to the competition. Columnist Jim Yu lays out concrete steps toward getting ahead.
Twitter will sell one-third of ads in NFL Thursday game streams Apr 5, 2016 by Tim Peterson Twitter has won the exclusive rights to stream 10 of the NFL’s Thursday Night Football games globally during the upcoming season.
Three ways to foster brand devotion in the Age of the Customer Apr 5, 2016 by Mike Sands When audiences are fragmented, and traditional loyalty programs no longer resonate, what’s a marketer to do? Columnist Mike Sands contends it all comes down to knowing your customer.
For agencies, losing is the best way to win Apr 5, 2016 by David Rodnitzky Every agency experiences losses, but columnist David Rodnitzky explains that the ones that choose to learn from their losses are in the best position to succeed long-term.
Native ads to make up 63 percent of mobile display ad spend by 2020, Facebook & IHS study finds Apr 5, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Facebook releases new stats on native advertising on its Audience Network.
Amazon expands Pay with Amazon through new Global Partner Program Apr 4, 2016 by Greg Sterling Amazon has announced a Global Partner Program, which seeks to expand the reach of its payments service.
MarTech Landscape: What is a demand-side platform (DSP)? Apr 4, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Find out why digital advertising buyers turn to DSPs to manage programmatic ad buys.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
3 Instagram Analytics Tools for Marketers, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
What Sentiment Analysis Can Do for Your Brand, www.marketingprofs.com
Blogs & Blogging
5 Lessons from Guest Posting on Popular Blogs, www.smallbusinessideasblog.com
7 Types of Blog Posts and When to Use Them, www.blogherald.com
Disqus releases first iPhone app w/ support for tracking comments & discussions, more, 9to5mac.com
Business Issues
EU Presses Inquiries Into Google Parent Alphabet, www.wsj.com
HubSpot Opens New Office in Dublin, Announces 320 Jobs in the Near Future, www.martechadvisor.com
Content Marketing
4 Content Marketing Trends Dominating the U.K., contently.com
5 Ways to Grow Your Business with Customer-Centric Content, www.jeffbullas.com
Homogenized Content: Content Fail, heidicohen.com
How to Document Your Content Marketing Workflow, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Medium Unveils Tools, Monetization Options For Publishers, adage.com
The Best Branded Content of March (and April Fools’ Day), contently.com
The Ultimate Guide to 10x Content, ignitevisibility.com
Conversion Optimization
16 Ways to Optimize Your Product Landing Pages, www.wordstream.com
7 Steps to Customer Journey Mapping, www.cmswire.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
3 UX examples from innovative e-commerce companies, www.usertesting.com
30 Trigger Words to Use in Your Online Writing, www.searchenginejournal.com
4 Ways B2B Marketers Can Successfully Drive Customer Experience, multichannelmerchant.com
A Simple Web Developer’s Guide To Color, www.smashingmagazine.com
Digital customer experience: four innovation methods, econsultancy.com
PX Design: Tailored User eXperience For Individuals, www.searchenginepeople.com
Display & Contextual Advertising
More Than Two-Thirds of US Digital Display Ad Spending Is Bought Programmatically, www.emarketer.com
The Subprime Banner Ad Crisis, adage.com
GoDaddy.com Acquires Another Domain Portfolio, dotweekly.com
Six NFL/NBA players Moved their Websites to new gTLD Extensions this Month, www.thedomains.com
Amazon Exclusives is Still a Major Option for New Products, smallbiztrends.com
E-commerce in India: The opportunities and the obstacles, www.retaildive.com
Etsy launches Pattern, an online store builder to take on Squarespace and Shopify, thenextweb.com
How Amazon could become the next big luxury fashion retailer, digiday.com
How online retailers can improve price optimization strategies, econsultancy.com
How to Increase Sales on Your Store with Multichannel Selling, multichannelmerchant.com
Mother’s Day online marketing: 6 top tips, www.internetretailer.com
Email Marketing
10 Quick and Easy Email Marketing Segmentation Strategies to Try Today, blog.kissmetrics.com
12 emails that completely captivated us, myemma.com
Drive Tremendous Website Traffic with Email Marketing, blogs.constantcontact.com
Your Step-by-Step Email Marketing Strategy Guide, www.copyblogger.com
General Internet Marketing
4 Reasons Why Your Digital Transformation Is Floundering, www.cmswire.com
5 Reasons Marketers Have Largely Overlooked Generation X, www.adweek.com
A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words: But What About Emoji?, www.verticalresponse.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Notablist Expands Archive to 10MM Email Campaigns, Monitors 500k Brands, notablist.wordpress.com
Branded Apps by Thanx: Revolutionizing the Loyalty Card App Experience, blog.thanx.com
Exponential Interactive Appoints Ittai Shiu as Vice President Creative Strategy, www.businesswire.com
Mobile Entertainment Sensation Dots Taps MediaBrix For Exclusive Brand Rewarded Ads, www.prnewswire.com
As Marketers Take Control of Ad Tech, Complexity Follows, adage.com
Great CX Starts With Analytics, MarTech #eMetrics, www.cmswire.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
7 Smart Ways to Deliver Loyalty Rewards Based on Buying Patterns, streetfightmag.com
How mobile commerce is changing customer service, venturebeat.com
How to Customize Your Social Media Inbox on Your Smartphone, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
It’s 4 a.m., do you know where your message is?, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Lessons from innovative Chinese mobile apps, www.internetretailer.com
Top 10 mobile payments developments of Q1, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Reputation Management
Anatomy of a Rebrand (Part 1 of 3): Should You Dump Your Brand Equity?, www.marketingprofs.com
What’s in a Name on Social?, www.adweek.com
Social Media
4 Social Media Hacks for Small Businesses, www.searchenginejournal.com
4 Social Media Tactics That Are Going Away Like the Landline, www.convinceandconvert.com
An easier way to share Tweets privately, www.Twitter.com
Facebook begins using artificial intelligence to describe photos to blind users, www.theverge.com
Here’s How Many People Are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Other Big Social Networks, www.adweek.com
How Best-in-Class Brands do B2B Social Media Strategy, www.toprankblog.com
How to Keep Your Social Media Images Looking Fresh (Even if You’re Posting Every Day), blog.bufferapp.com
Introducing this year’s Pinterest palette, blog.pinterest.com
Native Advertising Dominates Facebook Audience Network (Study), www.adweek.com
Running a Social Contest in 2016: What’s Changed, www.adweek.com
Snapchat’s Angling For A Seat At The Grown-Up Table, adexchanger.com
The Ideal Word Counts for Social Media Posts, www.marketingprofs.com
Why LinkedIn bought Lynda.com last year: Train users for jobs “at scale”, venturebeat.com
Facebook 360 Trend: Nature, media.fb.com
Tastemade gets 300,000 Instagram video views a day, digiday.com
The reality of AR/VR business models, techcrunch.com