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Marketing Day: Programmatic Ads, Mobile Email Stats & A CMO’s View On Integrated Marketin

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Estimote Launches New Platform For Beacon Management At Scale Although it’s early, there’s already a perception in the market that Bluetooth beacons are a commodity. That’s not quite true, but there are lots of providers out there making it tough to differentiate them. Estimote is one of the leaders and innovators in the space. And today the company is rolling out a new set of […]

  2. A CMO’s View: It’s An Arms Race – Competitors That Make More Channels Work Will Outgrow You CMO Allan Jones says his brand sees marketing differently. “We treat marketing’s goal as not just ‘acquire customers’, but to craft a unified end-to-end customer experience,” says Jones, “From brand awareness to acquisition – both digital and offline – at the top, through the conversion experience and sales funnel, all the way to the […]

  3. Fixing Programmatic: Start At The Top Publishers worry about the loss of revenue associated with the shift toward programmatic ad buying, but columnist Rob Rasko believes there are ways to solve this problem.

  4. 5 Emails Pushing The Boundaries Of HTML & CSS Columnist Andrew King explores some of the most innovatively designed brand emails of 2014.

  5. Report: 66 Percent Of Email Opens On Mobile, Mostly iOS Devices Email marketing platform Movable Ink has released its Q3 “Consumer Device Preferences Report.” The report is focused on email engagement and based on statistics captured from across the company’s client base. The report states that nearly half of all email opens are happening on smartphones. Another 17 percent are happening on tablets and the remaining 34 percent […]

  6. Pinterest: The Social Search Goldmine Pinterest’s potential is on the rise. Columnist Benjamin Spiegel shares surprising stats on how dominant the social network has become.

  7. Forrester Says Marketers Are Wasting Resources on Facebook, Twitter Marketers looking to build stronger connections with consumers typically turn to social media industry leaders Facebook and Twitter for their outreach. But those are the wrong places to be looking, according to a new report by Forrester Research. So few people actually see posts from top brands on Facebook and Twitter that focusing heavily on […]

  8. Salesforce Fully Integrates Social Studio Into Marketing Cloud Salesforce announced today that has fully integrated its Swiss Army knife of a social media tool into its suite of enterprise marketing, sales and customer service offerings. By folding Social Studio into the Marketing Cloud product, Salesforce said it has created the silo-busting tool that businesses are begging for. Now Salesforce customers will be able […]

  9. Yahoo Integrates Access To Flurry’s In-App Video Inventory Yahoo announced today that it is integrating Flurry’s in-app video inventory into its ad platforms. Yahoo acquired Flurry in July for its reach across mobile apps and ad targeting capabilities. The integration allows advertisers to buy mobile video inventory on Flurry’s app network as well as its exchange through Yahoo Ad Manager Plus, which encompasses […]

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  1. Why Facebook’s War On Marketing Is A Good Thing,

  2. 200 Million Reasons Your Business Needs Instagram,

  3. Gain Users Gain the Ability to Mass-Edit, Perform Bulk Actions with Facebook Posts,

  4. How likely are you to tap a Facebook mobile ad?,

  5. How to Play it Safe in Social,

  6. It May Be Time for You to Quit Marketing on Facebook,

  7. Just 15% of Marketers Think Social Media Software is Useful,

  8. Local pages outperforming global pages for organic, paid interactions,

  9. Long-term social media campaigns push holiday commerce higher,

  10. Pinterest, Instagram Growing Faster Than Twitter, Facebook,

  11. Research Shows 94% of Top Brands Tweet at Least Once per Day,

  12. The Biggest Social Media Game Changers for 2015,

  13. The blight of gratuitous hashtags,

  14. The Content Marketer’s Guide to Promoted Tweets,

  15. The Old Foursquare Is Dead,

  16. The Science of Building a Lasting Social Media Community,

  17. Twitter Wednesday Joins Black Friday and Cyber Monday for Bargains,

  18. Why You Need to Adapt to Social Media Today,


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