Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Trump Mostly Tweeting From An iPhone 2 Weeks After Apple Boycott Call Mar 4, 2016 by Tim Peterson More than half of the GOP front-runner’s most recent 200 tweets were sent using Twitter’s iPhone app.
[WATCH] Marketing Land Live Show #3: Search As Personal Assistant, Facebook Vs. Periscope & More Mar 4, 2016 by Matt McGee If you missed our third episode, watch the video replay below.
How New & Existing Customers Interact With Your Paid Search Ads Differently Mar 4, 2016 by Andy Taylor Columnist Andy Taylor shares data from Merkle|RKG that illustrates how users behave when clicking on ads and how they evaluate ad choices on a SERP.
How To Grow Online Market Share Without Increasing Your PPC Budget Mar 4, 2016 by Jacob Baadsgaard What’s the formula for PPC success? Columnist Jacob Baadsgaard has tips on how to significantly expand your market share without wasting your ad spend.
Getting The Most From Your Conference Experience Mar 4, 2016 by Amy Bishop As with all things marketing, we’re always looking to get the most bang for our buck. Conferences are no exception. Columnist Amy Bishop shares tips to ensure that you get a strong return on your investment.
Why “Go Viral” Is Not An Effective Content Marketing Strategy Mar 4, 2016 by Rachel Lindteigen If you’re trying to go viral, you’re probably trying too hard. Columnist Rachel Lindteigen explains why you should focus instead on creating great content that matters to your audience.
We Marketers Aren’t As “Automated” As We Think Mar 4, 2016 by Scott Vaughan Despite the promise of automation, marketers still have a ways to go. Columnist Scott Vaughan explains why we need to focus on automating the right data and eliminating the manual tasks that hold us back.
Three Facebook Direct Response Products You Should Be Using Now Mar 4, 2016 by Brad O’Brien Are you using the Facebook direct response ads that are best for your business? Columnist Brad O’Brien shares his top three and discusses how you can implement them.
Live Streaming Video Survey Finds 44% Of Brands Have Produced Live Video & 20% Plan To Mar 4, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues A new survey by Brandlive, Inc. aims to set an industry benchmark for live video content.
Smartphone Ownership Just Shy Of 80 Percent [comScore] Mar 3, 2016 by Greg Sterling We should see 85 percent smartphone ownership by Q3 and more smartphone owners than US internet users some time in 2017.
As Yahoo Seeks To Raise $1B In Cash, Rumor Suggests Sale Of Search Assets Mar 3, 2016 by Greg Sterling Company trying to determine what it can sell without harming a strategic capability.
Facebook Plans To Open Messenger To Publishers At F8 In April Mar 3, 2016 by Tim Peterson Facebook will officially let publishers distribute content through Messenger and will announce the news at its annual developer conference in April.
Here’s Why Martech Needs Some New Metrics Mar 3, 2016 by Barry Levine Customer relationships are now “a movie, rather than a snapshot,” and marketers need more movie-like ways to measure what’s working.
Smart Goals Roll Out To More AdWords Advertisers As Google Cuts The Eligibility Requirements In Half Mar 3, 2016 by Greg Finn The conversions, driven by machine learning, will be rolling out to even more AdWords advertisers over the coming weeks.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing – Effective Online Fundraising Method, www.amnavigator.com
Applied Analytics: Creating Serendipity, www.cmo.com
Why Understanding Stakeholders Will Make or Break Your Web Analytics, www.seerinteractive.com
Blogs & Blogging
10 Time Management Tips for Bloggers, www.blogherald.com
A Beginners Guide To Blogger Outreach, www.blogherald.com
Can You Write a Post People Trust Enough to Share?, contently.com
Should You Publish Guest Blog Posts on Your Website?, www.copyblogger.com
Business Issues
Box, Google, Facebook, Microsoft come out in support of Apple in amicus brief, techcrunch.com
Facebook to Pay More in U.K. Tax, www.wsj.com
Why We Support Apple, yahoo.tumblr.com
Content Marketing
Facebook Instant Articles & Content Marketing, blog.marketo.com
How to Craft Share-Worthy Content in 4 Easy Steps, simplymeasured.com
Medium CEO Hints at Introducing Sponsored and Paid Content in a Bid to Monetize the Platform, www.martechadvisor.com
The Ultimate Guide to Infographic Marketing, www.convinceandconvert.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
The 4 Universal Requirements For Great UX, www.fastcodesign.com
Ultimate Guide to Site Speed – Optimizing WordPress, www.portent.com
Display & Contextual Advertising
Amazon Files Appeal On Rejected .amazon Domain, domainincite.com
Explain the Reach of a Domain Name, www.domaininvesting.com
A better way to communicate with consumers on retail websites, www.internetretailer.com
Amazon is the latest challenger to enter Britain’s supermarket food fight, qz.com
Customer Retention & Building Habit Forming Experiences, company-enterprise.myshopify.com
Retailers’ mobile marketing budgets jump as silos tumble, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
The 4 Most Overlooked Factors in Your B2B Ecommerce Success, blog.kissmetrics.com
Email Marketing
Email Is Eating More of Your Life Than You Think, contently.com
General Internet Marketing
ANA Masters Of Media: Are Marketers Missing The Forest For The Trees?, adexchanger.com
From Here to Infinity: Personalizing Every Customer Journey, www.cmswire.com
In The Wild West Of Digital Advertising, Marketers Must Rein In The Anarchy, adexchanger.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Email Builder Simplifies Small Businesses’ Customer Communication, www.infusionsoft.com
Nielsen Acquires Pointlogic, www.nielsen.com
Rapt Media Study Finds Content Creators Are Investing in the Wrong Technology, www.businesswire.com
How CMOs Can Prove the ROI of Tech Investments, www.convinceandconvert.com
Marketers Shift 2016 Budgets, and Attention, to Marketing Technology, www.emarketer.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
5 trends in mobile advertising, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
9 Questions to Ask When Building a Mobile App, smallbiztrends.com
Amazon Quietly Disabled Encryption On Its Fire OS 5 Devices, www.fastcompany.com
How Internet Usage and Smartphone Ownership Vary by Country, www.marketingprofs.com
How to Optimize Copy for a Better Mobile Experience, blog.crazyegg.com
How to succeed at mobile marketing on a shoestring, blogs.constantcontact.com
Mobile First – Buzzword or Reality?, www.martechadvisor.com
Social Media
A tiny change to Instagram led to a major increase in usage, venturebeat.com
Engagement on Facebook Custom Audiences: Do You Have This?, www.jonloomer.com
Facebook Canvas ad is a cool new toy, but needs ‘3 to 6 months’ of testing for hardcore advertisers, venturebeat.com
From 0 to 233,000 Members: 7 steps to running an effective LinkedIn group, sherpablog.marketingsherpa.com
IHOP’s New GIF-Powered Ads Are Targeting 7.3 Million Twitter Users by Name, www.adweek.com
Navigating the Bumpy Road to Cross-Channel Attribution, multichannelmerchant.com
Pinterest’s buyable pins help lure new sales and customers, www.internetretailer.com
Seven best practices for brands using Twitter Polls, www.Twitter.com
Snapchat Collects $175 Million in Funding Without Valuation Increase, Faces Competition Heat from Instagram, www.martechadvisor.com
Social Marketing Needs a Rebrand: How We Graduate to the C-Suite, simplymeasured.com
Twitter’s #GIFparty: The good, the bad and the ugly, digiday.com
Twitter’s Heart Beats the Star: 27 Percent Jump in Activity Since Favorites Became Likes, www.adweek.com
Facebook Live: Why Live Video Matters for Marketers, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
How Neiman Marcus used live video to give customers a front row seat at New York Fashion Week, www.Twitter.com
Social Video Campaigns: Winning Business Results, www.reelseo.com
Uh Oh Google Hangouts, Slack Is Adding Video, www.cmswire.com
Vimeo Redesigns iOS App to Make Content Discovery Easier, www.adweek.com
Why Multimedia Production Will Push Your Brand Forward, www.ducttapemarketing.com