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Marketing Day: PPC Budgets, Facebook Direct Response Ads & Live Streaming Video Survey

Writer: Fahad HFahad H

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Trump Mostly Tweeting From An iPhone 2 Weeks After Apple Boycott Call Mar 4, 2016 by Tim Peterson More than half of the GOP front-runner’s most recent 200 tweets were sent using Twitter’s iPhone app.

  2. [WATCH] Marketing Land Live Show #3: Search As Personal Assistant, Facebook Vs. Periscope & More Mar 4, 2016 by Matt McGee If you missed our third episode, watch the video replay below.

  3. How New & Existing Customers Interact With Your Paid Search Ads Differently Mar 4, 2016 by Andy Taylor Columnist Andy Taylor shares data from Merkle|RKG that illustrates how users behave when clicking on ads and how they evaluate ad choices on a SERP.

  4. How To Grow Online Market Share Without Increasing Your PPC Budget Mar 4, 2016 by Jacob Baadsgaard What’s the formula for PPC success? Columnist Jacob Baadsgaard has tips on how to significantly expand your market share without wasting your ad spend.

  5. Getting The Most From Your Conference Experience Mar 4, 2016 by Amy Bishop As with all things marketing, we’re always looking to get the most bang for our buck. Conferences are no exception. Columnist Amy Bishop shares tips to ensure that you get a strong return on your investment.

  6. Why “Go Viral” Is Not An Effective Content Marketing Strategy Mar 4, 2016 by Rachel Lindteigen If you’re trying to go viral, you’re probably trying too hard. Columnist Rachel Lindteigen explains why you should focus instead on creating great content that matters to your audience.

  7. We Marketers Aren’t As “Automated” As We Think Mar 4, 2016 by Scott Vaughan Despite the promise of automation, marketers still have a ways to go. Columnist Scott Vaughan explains why we need to focus on automating the right data and eliminating the manual tasks that hold us back.

  8. Three Facebook Direct Response Products You Should Be Using Now Mar 4, 2016 by Brad O’Brien Are you using the Facebook direct response ads that are best for your business? Columnist Brad O’Brien shares his top three and discusses how you can implement them.

  9. Live Streaming Video Survey Finds 44% Of Brands Have Produced Live Video & 20% Plan To Mar 4, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues A new survey by Brandlive, Inc. aims to set an industry benchmark for live video content.

  10. Smartphone Ownership Just Shy Of 80 Percent [comScore] Mar 3, 2016 by Greg Sterling We should see 85 percent smartphone ownership by Q3 and more smartphone owners than US internet users some time in 2017.

  11. As Yahoo Seeks To Raise $1B In Cash, Rumor Suggests Sale Of Search Assets Mar 3, 2016 by Greg Sterling Company trying to determine what it can sell without harming a strategic capability.

  12. Facebook Plans To Open Messenger To Publishers At F8 In April Mar 3, 2016 by Tim Peterson Facebook will officially let publishers distribute content through Messenger and will announce the news at its annual developer conference in April.

  13. Here’s Why Martech Needs Some New Metrics Mar 3, 2016 by Barry Levine Customer relationships are now “a movie, rather than a snapshot,” and marketers need more movie-like ways to measure what’s working.

  14. Smart Goals Roll Out To More AdWords Advertisers As Google Cuts The Eligibility Requirements In Half Mar 3, 2016 by Greg Finn The conversions, driven by machine learning, will be rolling out to even more AdWords advertisers over the coming weeks.

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  1. A tiny change to Instagram led to a major increase in usage,

  2. Engagement on Facebook Custom Audiences: Do You Have This?,

  3. Facebook Canvas ad is a cool new toy, but needs ‘3 to 6 months’ of testing for hardcore advertisers,

  4. From 0 to 233,000 Members: 7 steps to running an effective LinkedIn group,

  5. IHOP’s New GIF-Powered Ads Are Targeting 7.3 Million Twitter Users by Name,

  6. Navigating the Bumpy Road to Cross-Channel Attribution,

  7. Pinterest’s buyable pins help lure new sales and customers,

  8. Seven best practices for brands using Twitter Polls,

  9. Snapchat Collects $175 Million in Funding Without Valuation Increase, Faces Competition Heat from Instagram,

  10. Social Marketing Needs a Rebrand: How We Graduate to the C-Suite,

  11. Twitter’s #GIFparty: The good, the bad and the ugly,

  12. Twitter’s Heart Beats the Star: 27 Percent Jump in Activity Since Favorites Became Likes,



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