Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Pinterest’s “Pin it” button changes its name internationally Jun 2, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg Pinterest’s “Pin It” button is being replaced with something that has more global appeal.
Twitter’s throwing the doors to its pre-roll video ad biz wide open Jun 2, 2016 by Tim Peterson Twitter is letting brands buy pre-roll video ads through its Ads API, which could boost adoption, if Instagram’s recent experience is any indication.
Twitter peeks at 360-degree video with Samsung campaign for NBA Finals Jun 2, 2016 by Tim Peterson As Twitter gets closer to supporting 360-degree video, the NBA will tweet virtual reality-lite videos shot during the NBA Finals using a Samsung camera.
Google has a new tool for small businesses to check how well their websites score Jun 2, 2016 by Barry Schwartz Google’s new tool not only scores your page speed but also gives you a score for how mobile-friendly your website is.
How Google’s latest design choice impacts consumers’ ability to search and discover Jun 2, 2016 by Siddharth Shah How has Google’s recent update to its SERP display impacted consumers, advertisers and Google’s bottom line? Adobe’s Siddharth Shah looks at the data.
True performance baselines & ROI for SEO without attribution modeling Jun 2, 2016 by Chris Liversidge How do you determine your SEO program’s real performance, discounting the effects of seasonality, paid search spending or any other external factors? Columnist Chris Liversidge lays out a step-by-step process for reaching a reliable ROI calculation.
3 Google AdWords hacks to drive high-quality leads Jun 2, 2016 by Todd Saunders You might think you know AdWords, but do you know the most efficient way to get great performance? Columnist Todd Saunders shares three road-tested techniques.
Using data science to improve your enterprise paid search marketing results Jun 2, 2016 by Travis Wright As QuanticMind looks to move in on Marin Software’s territory, which platform is right for you? Columnist Travis Wright explains how data science can boost your campaigns and ad spend.
3 big brands on the cutting edge of mobile share secrets to their mobile-first success Jun 2, 2016 by Bryson Meunier How do you go beyond being just mobile-friendly to become mobile-first? Columnist Bryson Meunier talks to three leaders in the space to gain some insight.
Know your digital marketing strengths, but more importantly, acknowledge your weaknesses Jun 2, 2016 by Matt Umbro Don’t ignore your shortcomings. Columnist Matt Umbro says if you want to succeed in digital marketing, you need to recognize where you excel and where you need help.
What business leaders should know about digital transformation Jun 2, 2016 by Trond Lyngbø Columnist Trond Lyngbø notes that in order to thrive in a digital world, business leaders must invest in the digital skills and expertise of their employees.
Localytics pushes Places notifications as key to personalization, mobile engagement Jun 1, 2016 by Greg Sterling The range of use cases for location is much broader than most mobile marketers recognize.
Facebook’s DeepText has “near-human” understanding of people’s posts Jun 1, 2016 by Tim Peterson Facebook’s DeepText uses artificial intelligence techniques to understand text with “near-human” accuracy and quickly learn new languages and slang.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
With lots of unknowns, SEM experts weigh in on the biggest AdWords announcements of last week
Google shows its support for Gay Pride Month with rainbow-art for LGBT search terms
Google launches business-friendly tool that tests your website mobile-friendliness & page speed
9 easy-to-miss crawl reports in Screaming Frog and DeepCrawl that pack serious SEO punch
Lotte Reiniger Google Doodle honors groundbreaking animated filmmaker & her innovative style
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
How to Handle Inactive Affiliates, info.fastspring.com
How To Measure A B2B Social Media Program, www.komarketingassociates.com
Blogs & Blogging
22 Indicators to Help Determine If You’re Suited for Starting a Blog, problogger.com
5 Ways to Find More Time to Blog, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
9 Simple Steps for Choosing the Perfect Name for Your Blog, www.jeffbullas.com
How to Effectively Drive More Facebook Traffic to Your Blog, www.problogger.net
Business Issues
Content Marketing
10 Content Strategy Practices That Will Make You a Better Marketer in 2016, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Eight reasons why content strategy should be central to every marketer, econsultancy.com
How to Energize Customers With Effective Content Planning, www.convinceandconvert.com
How to Streamline the Content Creation Process, www.searchenginejournal.com
Why Word Count Is Important, www.copypress.com
Conversion Optimization
How to build fast, effective landing pages, econsultancy.com
Track Conversions and ROI With These Content Marketing Metrics, blog.crazyegg.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
If you’re only testing for usability, you’re missing the biggest pieces of the puzzle, www.usertesting.com
Retrofitting Zooming UI To Legacy Websites: An Impossible Task?, www.smashingmagazine.com
Display & Contextual Advertising
7 Big Trends That Are Shaping the Future of Digital Advertising, www.adweek.com
Your time is the biggest expense with cheap new TLDs, domainnamewire.com
3 major takeaways for e-retailers from Google’s Performance Summit, www.internetretailer.com
6 of The Top Cross-Border Ecommerce Tips from CNP Expo, multichannelmerchant.com
Checkout page UX, yoast.com
China tightens its cross-border e-commerce rules, www.internetretailer.com
EBAY CEO Devin Wenig Stresses His Company Is No Amazon, www.wsj.com
Express checkout adoption strong on mobile as options proliferate, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
How Long Do Consumers Want to Wait for Shipping?, www.emarketer.com
Use Customer Testimonials to Sell More Online, smallbiztrends.com
Email Marketing
Is Angie’s List an Email Spammer?, www.webinknow.com
General Internet Marketing
Influencer Marketing Is (not) Dead, www.toprankblog.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Verto Analytics Lands 16.1 million in Series B Funding, vertoanalytics.com
Verve Hires Seasoned Enterprise Executive Melanie Kalemba as Demand for Verve Velocity Surges, www.prnewswire.com
7 Predictions for Marketing Automation, blog.marketo.com
B2B Firms Turn to Marketing Technology to Court Buyers, www.emarketer.com
Marketing Automation Defined in 60 Seconds, www.copyblogger.com
Multi-channel Tech Convergence Allows Retargeting to Shine, www.martechadvisor.com
The barbell effect of machine learning, techcrunch.com
We Need To Wean Ad Tech Off Venture Capital, adexchanger.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
4 tips to improve mobile commerce effectiveness for retailers, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Google tests a feature that tells you which apps to remove when you run out of room on your phone, techcrunch.com
How to choose the right KPIs for your mobile campaigns, 3qdigital.com
How to Retain, Engage, and Convert Your App Users, www.martechadvisor.com
Keys to Mobile Growth: Get Ready to Scale with Sean Ellis, yahoodevelopers.tumblr.com
Mobile Marketers Get Higher-Quality Users with Playable Ads, www.tune.com
These 5 Businesses Rock the Mobile App Experience, www.cmswire.com
Why You Should Know About Continuous Apps, www.cmswire.com
Reputation Management
Moz CEO: Establishing Attribution Is About Building Businesses’ Trust, streetfightmag.com
Social Media
11 Simple Yet Effective Edits to Instantly Improve Your Social Media Content, blog.bufferapp.com
2016 Social Media Marketing Benefits, heidicohen.com
Do People Use Facebook’s Reactions Feature?, www.marketingprofs.com
Facebook Tweaks Safety Check, www.adweek.com
How Snapchat Became a Social Media Unicorn, www.adweek.com
Pinterest Is Prominent in Back-to-School Shopping (Study), www.adweek.com
Snapchat Overtakes Twitter, Said to Have 150M Daily Users, adage.com