Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
What different consumer groups really want from local business websites Mar 8, 2016 by Myles Anderson Columnist Myles Anderson takes a look at what consumers in different age groups are looking for when it comes to local business websites. Local SEO practitioners, take note!
Is your team OBSESSED with social media marketing? Register for SocialPro and score deep discounts for your entire team. Mar 8, 2016 by Marketing Land Give your marketing team the tools and insights they need to accelerate paid, earned and owned social media marketing skills by sending them to Marketing Land’s SocialPro conference.
Meet the MarTech Speakers: Sheldon Monteiro Mar 8, 2016 by Marketing Land Driving Transformation at the Intersection of Marketing and Technology
Search, social and content: Reaching digital marketing maturity Mar 8, 2016 by Jim Yu Columnist Jim Yu shares insights on how brands can successfully integrate search, social and content into their digital campaigns.
The marketing genius of Louis C.K. Mar 8, 2016 by Patrick Armitage Columnist Patrick Armitage believes Louis C.K. is a great marketer not just because the comic violates every rule in email marketing, but because he knows exactly what his audience needs.
Pinterest lets brands target ads to people in their customer databases Mar 8, 2016 by Tim Peterson Pinterest is expanding its ad-targeting options as it opens up to all small- and medium-sized business advertisers in the US.
SMX West 2016 recap: A deep dive into beacons and how marketers can use them Mar 8, 2016 by Christi Olson How can you get the most out of beacons? Columnist Christi Olson was on hand at SMX West to bring you insights from industry veterans who spoke about the strengths and limitations of the technology.
TD Bank’s CMO says, “There are no mulligans in marketing.” Mar 8, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues Get To Know: TD Bank Executive Vice President and CMO Patrick McLean
You don’t have to be a liar to be a great marketer Mar 8, 2016 by David Rodnitzky Some marketers are better at lying than others. But columnist David Rodnitzky believes truly successful marketers are honest about their intentions and provide value to potential customers.
Report: Simple changes in call handling can drive $100 million more in phone sales Mar 8, 2016 by Greg Sterling Even just being friendlier in answering a call can drive materially more conversions, says Marchex analysis.
Amplitude’s new Compass points to behaviors exhibited by returning users Mar 8, 2016 by Barry Levine The San Francisco-based web/app analytics firm says this new product is the first of its kind on the open market, matching various enterprises’ in-house tools.
ANA/Forrester survey: Most marketers buy ads programmatically, in spite of worries about fraud and transparency Mar 7, 2016 by Barry Levine Seventy-nine percent made programmatic buys in the last year, more than twice the rate from a similar report two years ago.
In 2 weeks, the marketing and technology worlds collide — Don’t miss it! Mar 7, 2016 by Marketing Land In just two weeks, the largest vendor-agnostic gathering of professionals at the intersection of marketing and technology will happen in San Francisco — MarTech: The Marketing Tech Conference.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
Publisher Tips: Considering your demographic, blog.affiliatewindow.com
Discussions on Digital: Measuring marketing’s impact, www.mckinsey.com
Blogs & Blogging
How to Start Creating Facebook Instant Articles for Your Blog, blog.bufferapp.com
Business Issues
Congress will hear from head of Google self-driving car project, www.reuters.com
Content Marketing
10 Secrets to Creating Engaging Content, www.jeffbullas.com
ContentMart: Counteracting Content Demand, www.searchenginejournal.com
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Content Curation, www.compukol.com
How Social Media & Content Marketing Work Together, www.toprankblog.com
Marketers Are Creating More Content Than They Can Handle, contently.com
Six Reasons To Hire Journalists To Create Your Content, www.verticalmeasures.com
Conversion Optimization
34-Point Checklist for Creating a Case Study, www.searchenginejournal.com
Is Your Crappy Traffic Foiling Your CRO Efforts?, unbounce.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Axe vs. Scalpel – Full Site Redesign or Continuous Optimization, www.goinflow.com
Mouse Tracking Is The Only Valid Data Visualisation Tool For UX Designers, usabilitygeek.com
Survey Design 101: Choosing Survey Response Scales, conversionxl.com
Tools And Resources For A More Meaningful Web Typography, www.smashingmagazine.com
What To Avoid In A Web Developer, www.searchenginepeople.com
Display & Contextual Advertising
Mobile Banners Are On The Way Out On TheStreet, adexchanger.com
3 Ways to Sell Products That Don’t Sell, www.practicalecommerce.com
Big Opportunities Remain to Optimize Ecommerce Sites for Cross-Border Shoppers, multichannelmerchant.com
Digital Brings Greater ROI for Retail Marketers, www.emarketer.com
How to Build a Referral Program into Your Online Business, blog.kissmetrics.com
Email Marketing
On the Menu: Email and Mobile Marketing, www.verticalresponse.com
Should you be using emojis in your subject lines?, myemma.com
General Internet Marketing
A Digital Map: Make Sure It Attracts, Not Distracts, www.martechadvisor.com
How to Crush It With Your St. Patrick’s Day Marketing Strategy, ignitevisibility.com
What’s Missing From Your Omnichannel Strategy?, www.convinceandconvert.com
Why imperfect testing can be so valuable, www.internetretailer.com
Booker Acquires Frederick, Expands Marketing Automation For Service Businesses, streetfightmag.com
Marketing technologist to Isaac Asimov: eat your heart out, chiefmartec.com
What are the key martech & digital transformation trends in India?, www.econsultancy.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
Apple activates weekly App Analytics emails for devs, admits screen color management app onto iOS App Store, iphone.appleinsider.com
How can small businesses get started with mobile marketing?, blogs.constantcontact.com
New: Track App Usage with appFigures, blog.appfigures.com
Subscription box services dominated by mobile-savvy shoppers, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Social Media
10 Smart & Easy Facebook Marketing Ideas, www.wordstream.com
6 Collaboration Tools for Social Media Marketing Teams, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
A Quick way to Get More Facebook Likes for Your Facebook Page, www.problogger.net
Believe It: Facebook Page Post Reach Continues to Surge, www.adweek.com
Facebook Is Changing! Reactions, Live Streaming, Instant Articles & More, locowise.com
Facebook is using AI to decide where to beam its free Internet, venturebeat.com
How to Uncover Social Media Secrets for Your Clients, simplymeasured.com
Is Twitter getting too noisy for high-profile users?, econsultancy.com
Let Your Facebook Fans Discover Your Audience, www.ppchero.com
Poised for growth: Reddit swears it’s not too scary for brands, digiday.com
Should Your Small Business Create a Snapchat Geofilter?, www.adweek.com
Social Media Best Practices Part 2: Rules to Live By, authoritylabs.com
The 2016 Innovation Spotlight: Celebrating the Partners who Build on Facebook, www.facebook.com
Why You Need to Humanize Your Social Media Marketing, www.marketingprofs.com
Building A Real-Time Retrospective Board With Video Chat, www.smashingmagazine.com
Facebook will soon let you disable seeing all notifications for live videos, digiday.com
Following YouTube Red, video subscription service Vessel goes ad-free for paying subscribers, techcrunch.com
How Volvo Trucks Turned B2B Video Into a Viral Art Form, contently.com
Three Facebook Video Metrics to Pay Attention to, www.newswhip.com
Video ads: if you’re demanding attention you’re doing it wrong, econsultancy.com
Why Do Brands Make Viral Videos?, www.reelseo.com