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Marketing Day: Paid search campaigns, mobile wallet strategies & content creation

Writer: Fahad HFahad H

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Say hello to the newest intelligent agent, Ozlo Oct 14, 2016 by Barry Levine Billed as the only independent intelligent agent left, he specializes in finding the best answer from ‘competing sources of information.’

  2. Are there PPC monsters lurking inside your paid search account? Oct 14, 2016 by Jacob Baadsgaard Are your paid search campaigns looking a bit scary? Columnist Jacob Baadsgaard describes how to vanquish the monsters that may be wreaking havoc on your accounts and impacting PPC performance.

  3. What Google’s recent RLSA updates mean for advertisers Oct 14, 2016 by Andy Taylor Columnist Andy Taylor discusses the impact of two recent changes to Remarketing List for Search Ads announced at SMX East 2016 — expanded RLSA membership duration and cross-device retargeting.

  4. With holiday 2016 approaching, retailers need a mobile wallet strategy ASAP Oct 14, 2016 by Greg Sterling Shoe Carnival-SIM Partners case study shows how a mobile wallet can complement and even substitute for app downloads.

  5. The evolution of the programmatic superchannel Oct 14, 2016 by Lewis Gersh Is your marketing strategy multichannel? Omnichannel? Columnist Lewis Gersh says smart marketers worry less about terminology than ideology in trying to piece together the ultimate programmatic superchannel.

  6. 6 questions from elementary school are key to content creation success Oct 14, 2016 by Rachel Lindteigen Columnist Rachel Lindteigen explains how marketers can use the five Ws and one H of writing to create better content.

  7. Chinese giant Alibaba makes strategic investment in “location as platform” Oct 14, 2016 by Greg Sterling Investment in PlaceIQ could be a watershed moment for location intelligence.

  8. Get the most from your social media campaigns this holiday shopping season Oct 13, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot How can social media help your business capitalize on the holiday season and see a major revenue bump? In this white paper, G/O Digital has laid out the best social media insights to allow for complete optimization of your holiday marketing campaign.

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