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Marketing Day: October 4, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

While there’s a lot of talk today about how Twitter will need to dial up its advertising revenues as a public company, there are a couple places the company says that won’t happen: its Vine and #Music apps. Buried inside the Table Of Contents of Twitter’s S-1 filing Thursday is this description of Vine and […]

The August comScore US smartphone market share report is out. The story is familiar: Apple and Samsung are the top two OEMs, while others are down or flat. On the OS side, comScore agrees with earlier Kantar data showing small gains by Windows Phone in the US. But the news here appears to be that […]

While Apple won’t comment, a report has identified the voice behind iPhone’s Siri as professional voiceover actor Susan Bennett. CNN reporter Jessica Ravitz said Bennett decided to come out of anonymity after The Verge released a video last month mistakenly claiming Siri’s voice belonged to voiceover artist Allison Duffy. (Duffy responded to The Verge […]

In its S-1 filing made public yesterday, Twitter disclosed international users make up 77 percent of Twitter’s average MAUs (monthly active users). Yet, international advertisers generated just 25 percent of consolidated revenue in the three months ended June 30. Twitter’s second quarter advertising revenue per timeline view (which is what the company is reporting instead […]

Traditionally, marketers tend to segment their customers into either a B2B or B2C relationship. While this has worked for a long time, and will obviously continue to work, many high-net-worth consumers (who most likely also own or run businesses) must be treated differently when it comes to marketing with social media. In a recent survey […]

It started innocently enough. A consumer went into a brick-and-mortar retail store, found a pair of shoes she loved and was prepared to buy them. That is, until she took out her smartphone, clicked on a few websites, and found a better deal somewhere else. Sound familiar? It’s no surprise that the evolution of technology […]

Twitter released its S-1 this afternoon, disclosing revenues of nearly $317 million last year and a net loss of roughly $80 million in 2012, down from $128.3 million in 2011. If all goes according to plan, the company will raise roughly $1 billion with its IPO. Twitter will likely trade on the New York Stock Exchange […]

Twitter has filed their S-1 form with the SEC just now, filing for an IPO worth $1 billion. The initial IPO will release 472,613,753 shares of stock. Twitter’s historical net tangible deficit as of June 30, 2013 was $342.5 million, or $2.46 per share with a book value as of June 30, 2013 was $538.7 […]

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