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Marketing Day: October 31, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

“Describe your Halloween costume.” That’s just one of several Halloween-related questions that are now appearing in the Facebook Update Status box, apparently as a way by Facebook to get its users talking about the holiday. Here are just a few of what we’ve been seeing: For those without images, these are: What’s your favorite Halloween […]

Let me start this month with the following disclaimer: I despise humble bragging in all its forms. I find the whole process nauseating — so much so that I have taken to parodying my own tweets that even remotely smell like a humble brag. That stated with the utmost sincerity, I can tell you I […]

Just over a month away, Marketing Land’s SMX Social Media Marketing event comes to Las Vegas this Dec. 5 & 6. As part of our great agenda is a keynote from Del Harvey, director of trust and safety at Twitter. Del’s talk is one any social media marketer will want to hear. She oversees all of what’s considered […]

As Facebook’s continued quest for revenue continues, the News Feed relevance appears to be declining. Under immense pressure to generate meaningful ad revenue, Facebook has begun sponsoring stories and pages and, most recently, suggesting posts. The key? These new ad units have been intrinsically social — promoting a Facebook post or page. Now InsideFacebook reports that Facebook […]

Google’s new Google Search app for iOS is now out, bringing with it a Siri-like quality of speaking to get answers and having them read back. The app is cool, but it can’t do all the “assistant” things that Siri can. Then again, for many searches, the Google Search app can be much faster than Siri. […]

Talk about stringing something along: Months after removing its dedicated Questions app, Facebook has finally removed the “Ask Question” option from the status update text box above the News Feed. That currently leaves users with two options: Update Status and Add Photo/Video. Facebook Questions first launched in July 2010 and was thought to be an […]

There appears to be a bug with Google+ that’s sometimes causing the wrong URLs to appear when sharing pages. At first, I thought this was something happening just with me as an odd glitch. I was on Google+ today, entered a URL I wanted to share, and the wrong page title and description came up. I […]

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