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Marketing Day: October 3, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Today the Instagram blog posted what might be described as a philosophical statement about advertising. For many months the Facebook unit has been considering how to turn itself into a “sustainable business.” Ads will roll out in the relatively near future on a limited test basis. Instagram is also mindful of the potential adverse impact […]

Google has taken a step toward opening a Google Glass app store/directory with today’s launch of a Glassware Review Process for developers. At the same time, the company has also announced the approval of five new apps for Glass Explorers. The Glassware Review Process will help developers get their apps added to “MyGlass,” the individualized, […]

This past Sunday’s Breaking Bad series finale provided much more than a satisfying ending to loyal fans, it also highlighted the social race for TV integration. After the finale, both Twitter and Facebook rushed to talk about the overall number of updates around the beloved series in an effort to solidify themselves as a credible […]

Bottlenose swam onto the social discovery scene last year with a free, powerful social discovery and monitoring tool. This year, they’ve taken it up a notch with their real-time enterprise product, Bottlenose Nerve Center. In the words of Bottlenose CEO, Nova Spivack, they want to lead the “real-time revolution.” Bottlenose has taken a unique place […]

A number of announcements were made at the Google Analytics Summit this week, including updated reports, more API tools, the integration of BigQuery into Google Analytics Premium and new educational initiatives. According to Google Analytics, users will have access to user segmentation, cohort analysis, sequence segments, and segment templates by the end of this year (a […]

A recent study published by Chitika Insights found that nearly 32% of North American iOS-based Web Traffic was generated by iOS 7 users just 48 hours following the release of the new OS on Wednesday, September 18. In a subsequent update published on September 25, data showed the iOS 7 adoption rate reaching more than […]

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