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Marketing Day: October 28, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Google To Triple Size Of Glass Explorer Program, Give Away Upgraded Version Of Glass If you want to have your own Google Glass and know someone that already has it, now’s a good time to be extra friendly. Google has announced plans to triple the Glass Explorer program by letting current Explorers invite up to three friends each to get their own Glass. The new Explorers will still have […]

  2. Getty Images Enters Deal To Provide Photo Credits On Images Uploaded To Pinterest Both Pinterest and Getty Images announced last week a joint multi-year deal in which Pinterest will pay Getty Images a fee to attach rich metadata to images uploaded to the social media network. According to the announcement on the Getty Images blog: Getty Images will use our PicScout image recognition technology to identify exclusive Getty […]

  3. Google Announces “A Morning With Google+” Event Tomorrow Google has announced plans for a live event tomorrow that’ll be about Google+ and — of course — streamed lived on Google+. But if you’re looking for details, good luck. The announcement only says, “The Google+ team will be sharing a few updates” and links to this page where the live stream will happen. It’s […]

  4. Tapping Into Community Research With Facebook Graph Search The digital marketing world is aflutter with talk of entities and structured data, and how both are contributing to the rise of semantic search. Google has rolled out its Hummingbird update, while Facebook has its Graph Search. Both represent big leaps forward in easing searchers’ access to the information they’re seeking. The creators of social […]

  5. Get Proven Tactics From A Full House Of Experts – SMX Social Media Marketing Rates Increase Friday Sometimes “winning” is just a matter of improving the odds. And stacking the deck in your favor with successful social media marketing tactics and strategies is a smart bet. Improve your odds. Attend SMX Social Media Marketing, November 20-21 in Las Vegas. Here’s why you need to be there: More than 40 of the world’s […]

  6. Nielsen To Include Web And Mobile Viewing In TV Ratings To capture the changing video viewing habits and options available to consumers, Nielsen announced today it will add digital video consumption to its traditional TV ratings, starting with the 2014-15 television season. After months of testing, Nielsen will release the software developer kit (SDK) in mid-November. The SDK will allow Nielsen to measure both traditional […]

  7. 54% Of Americans Post Original Photos Online & 18% Of Those With A Cell Phone Use Instagram It’s official. If you are a connected adult and you don’t post original photos online, you are now in the minority. A new report by Pew Internet shows that 54% of online adults share original photo content online. This number jumped 8% from the 46% of users that shared original “created” content in 2012. The […]

  8. Why You May Need More Than One DSP In a programmatic world, clients seem to be increasingly concerned about what they call “duplication,” or the overlap of inventory or audiences across multiple demand-side platforms. The fear is that the same ad will be served to the same user by two different DSPs, or worse yet, that the client is bidding against themselves for […]

  9. Pinterest Gets Tough On Contest Rules By Adding New Language To Its Acceptable Use Policy After including a complete set of “Dos and Don’ts” for contests on its Brand Guidelines page in May, Pinterest has taken further action to enforce its contest rules by updating its Acceptable Use Policy this week. According to a blog post on the social media’s Business Blog: A few months ago, we updated our contest […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:

Affiliate Marketing


Blogs & Blogging

Business Issues

  1. Massive Barge On San Francisco Bay Likely Secret Google Facility,

  2. “Twitter tax break” could cost SF tens of millions more after IPO, San Francisco Chronicle

  3. Get ready for the Google Glass Gold Rush, VentureBeat

  4. San Francisco’s bay barge mystery: Floating data center or Google Glass store?, CNET

  5. Twitter Will Wait Post-IPO for Woman on Board (International Pick), All Things D

  6. ‘The Zuckerberg Files’: New Scholarly Archive Scrutinizes Facebook CEO,

  7. Analysis Ahead of Apple’s Earnings: Global iPhone 5s/c Adoption Data,

  8. Apple, Google Must Face Group Antitrust Hiring Lawsuit, Bloomberg

  9. Meet Google Commerce Shopping Exec Sridhar Ramaswamy, All Things D

  10. Settlement approved in Google stock split lawsuit,

  11. Tax officials face Google questions, Telegraph

  12. Yahoo Still Looking to Ignite Tumblr’s Ad Potential, AdWeek

  13. Yelp Reviewers Launch Class Action Lawsuit Claiming They’re ‘Unpaid Employees’, TechDirt

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