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Marketing Day: October 24, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

You could see this one coming a mile away: Social image-sharing site Pinterest has finally cracked comScore’s monthly list of the top 50 web properties in the U.S. The September Top 50 is just out, and Pinterest squeaked in at No. 50 with an estimated 25.3 million visitors. That puts it still slightly behind the […]

Yesterday at the Apple iPad Mini launch event I had a chance to play with the smaller Apple tablet for about 10 minutes. It initially did look and feel to me, contrary to the statements of Apple SVP Phil Schiller, like a “shrunken iPad.” However it was also immediately clear, as has been pointed out […]

Rare is the B2B marketer that’s not using content marketing. But despite marketers’ almost universal adoption of tactics like social media, article writing, blogs and infographics, only about one-third of B2B marketers say their content marketing efforts are effective. The numbers come from a new Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs study (sponsored by Brightcove) of more […]

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