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Marketing Day: October 2, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

As social logins continue to grow, the login space has gotten much more competitive. Janrain has released a study on social login usage and the results were rather surprising. Facebook has been, and still is, the leading social login service — it’s no longer a runaway leader in the space. Facebook had 54% of usage […]

As reported in the New York Times, Google is confronting two “wiretapping” class actions that have been allowed to move forward in the courts. One involves automated scanning of Gmail for ad insertion and the other surrounds Google Street View collection of email and other personal data. When Gmail first introduced ads there was a […]

Let’s face it, the Landing Page gets all the attention these days. Every marketing blog (including my own) has an opinion on the best landing page and what to do to convert every visitor with its brilliant magnificence. Don’t get me wrong, the landing page deserves the huge amount of attention it gets. But if all you’re […]

I like lists. Okay, that’s not quite true. I LOVE lists. Growing up, one of my favorite book series was The Book of Lists. So it’s no surprise then that when it comes to email marketing, I seek out opportunities to use them. One great combination of marketing and lists takes place at any car service […]

Good morning from the Big Apple! Day two of our SMX East conference is about to begin with a keynote conversation where Marketing Land/Search Engine Land founding editor Danny Sullivan will be speaking with Twitter’s Richard Alfonsi. Alfonsi is Twitter’s vice president of global online sales for Twitter, and the conversation is sure to get […]

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