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Marketing Day: October 2, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Content marketing has been embraced by businesses large and small. There’s far less of a need to buy media when you can create it yourself. Businesses are aware that if you have a website, a blog, a YouTube channel, a Twitter presence, a Facebook page or a host of other online offerings, then you’re as […]

Today comScore reported August US mobile market share data. Consistent with the pattern of the last several months Samsung continued to be the leading hardware maker, although Apple and HTC were the only OEMs to see growth in the past several months. Among smartphone operating systems, iPhone and Android have grown while the other platforms […]

For the first eight years of its existence LinkedIn has been about connecting people. Over the last 18 months LinkedIn has begun to offer more content matching services thanks to the addition of LinkedIn Today. A new feature being released today, the ability to follow key LinkedIn influencers, will help bring even more content to […], the fledgling social network that launched in August with an annual membership fee of $50 per account, is lowering that price and introducing a monthly membership plan, too. The annual membership fee will be $36 going forward, and all existing account holders will have their memberships extended to reflect the lower price. The service […]

At a time when jobs are top of mind in the national consciousness, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has released a study showing that the ad-supported Internet is responsible for 5.1 million jobs in the U.S. and contributed $530 billion to the economy in 2011. The report was funded by the IAB, along with members […]

Yesterday the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) released its Future of Mobile News report. The findings are based on a survey of just over 9,500 US adults this past summer. The purpose of the study was to investigate mobile news reading and consumption habits on tablets and smartphones. Accordingly Pew has found […]

When the markets open this morning, Google will — for the first time — be valued higher than Microsoft. Google’s stock closed Monday at $761.78 per share, then dropped 68 cents per share in after-hours trading. That gave Google a market cap of a little more than $249 billion. Microsoft’s stock closed Monday at $29.49 […]

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