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Marketing Day: October 18, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Report: Only 45% Of Top 100 Internet Retailers Employ Tag Management Systems Lima Consulting Group and tag auditing firm ObservePoint audited Internet Retailer’s top 100 companies of 2012 to examine how retailers are deploying tag management systems and determine connections between site load times and site overhead. According to the report, only 45 percent of the sites employed a tag management system. To conduct the audit, nearly […]

  2. Google Shares Crack $1,000 Barrier A lot of people with Google stock are probably feeling wealthier this morning. The stock has just broken the long-anticipated $1,000 threshold. This is based on some very bullish reports by investment analysts and Google’s nearly $15 billion quarter, announced yesterday. The question now is whether GOOG can go much higher or whether this is […]

  3. Edit On The Go: Facebook’s Post & Comment Editing Mobilizes To iOS Devices Along With Photo Commenting Finally, Facebook will now allow iOS users to fight back against auto-correct. The newest Facebook iOS update (6.6) will now allow iOS users to modify their posts and comments within the Facebook app. Users will also have the ability to view all changes that were made within the app — and issue that was a […]

  4. Pew: US Tablet and E-Reader Ownership Now At 43 Percent This morning, the Pew Research Center released new survey data about tablet and e-reader ownership in the US. Previously, the organization had said that US tablet ownership among adults was 34 percent. The survey data released today indicate that 43 percent of Americans over 16 own either a tablet or e-book reader (or both). The […]

  5. Programmatic Ad Buying: A Tactical Primer A few months ago, we covered the four strategic phases of lean display advertising. The first phase consists of setting up your initial tests or experiments, which means choosing your initial campaign tactics to later observe which ones show the most potential for further optimization and scaling. This primer covers most of the campaign tactics […]

  6. How To Use Site Search To Get Keyword Insights In A (Not Provided) World Not Provided is all anyone is talking about these days — with good reason. Holding data hostage and forcing users to buy ads to see it is pretty dirty pool, in my opinion. Most of my clients cannot lay out the money just to grab data, so we’ve had to come up with some creative […]

  7. A Marketer’s Guide To User ID Targeting — Part 2: Understanding Android ID & The Future Of Mobile User IDs Since I wrote the first article in this two-part series, a lot has come to light regarding the use of mobile user IDs — especially Android ID, of which the public knows little about compared to the far more publicized Apple UDID and IDFA. In closing out this user ID targeting series, we’ll dive into […]

  8. Google Q3 2013 Beats With $14.89 Billion But CPCs, Motorola Down Google reported its third quarter earnings and revenues today. Total consolidated revenues (including Motorola) were $14.89 billion, which beat financial analysts’ estimates. Total revenues grew 6 percent over last quarter and 12 percent vs. 2012. Here are the revenue and segment highlights: Google sites generated revenues of $9.39 billion, 68 percent of total Google segment […]

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