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Marketing Day: October 16, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

After all the saber rattling, commentary and anticipation yesterday there was an expectation that Google would be asked by European data protection authorities, led by the French privacy regulator CNIL, to “unravel” or roll back its unified privacy policy. There was also a strong suggestion that there might be fines imposed. Instead we essentially got […]

“Create evergreen content.” We have all heard this sentiment so many times, and we’ve probably read those exact words even more often. Create content that never goes out of date. Content that’s fresh, useful and compelling all year round. But guess what? This column isn’t about evergreen content. Like the song says, to everything there […]

Yahoo announced today it has hired Henrique de Castro, currently vice president of Google’s worldwide Partner Business Solutions group, as chief operating officer (COO). It’s a major role: he’ll be overseeing Yahoo’s sales, operations, media and business development worldwide. According to Yahoo’s press release, De Castro will join the company on or before January 22, […]

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