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Marketing Day: October 15, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

It seemed uncanny. There, among the ads shown to me on my Facebook page, was one for a specific type of razor I’d been looking for off of Facebook. How did Facebook know? Simple — “retargeting” through the recently launched Facebook Exchange (FBX). If you’re not familiar with FBX or retargeting in general, come along. […]

Earlier this year, in March, Google consolidated more than 70 different privacy policies into a single more unified policy that allowed it to combine user data from all Google properties into a single view. Google argued that it represented privacy simplification for users (which was true). However it also benefited Google with more insight into […]

Creating a blog on an e-commerce site for the purpose of revenue generation and branding is a complicated idea. For starters, it’s a blog. If you’re going to do it right, you need frequent and quality posts. That takes time and money. Then, there’s the issue of content. What will you post about? Will your […]

Now Google+ page administrators can keep track of their pages while on the move. Page managers can now post, comment & interact with followers — directly from their mobile app. The new update (version 3.2) is available for both Android and iOS. In order to access the Google+ app as a page, users need to sign-out of the application, […]

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