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Marketing Day: October 12, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

In addition to the spikes in search activity, Thursday’s U.S. Vice-Presidential Debate also heated up across popular social networks. You won’t be surprised to know that both Twitter and Facebook saw plenty of debate-related discussion, and I’ll share some of that in a moment. But I want to start with a fascinating map from a […]

You stagger into your favorite coffee shop on Monday morning at 7 a.m., yawning and desperate for a caffeine jumpstart, when Mandy the barista places your daily double cappuccino with extra foam in front of you before you even have the chance to croak out your order. She’s also thought to include a sample of […]

Business Insider has a screen capture of the reportedly soon to be released new Yahoo home page under Marissa Mayer’s new lead as CEO. Overall, I find the new look to be cleaner, tighter and a bit more organized. But one glaring omission is featuring Flickr on the options on the left. It was listed […]

It was a relatively quiet week in the world of marketing. Perhaps politics or the San Francisco Giants playoff run (#gogiants) is keeping people from churning out work. There were some notable exceptions like the clever move DISQUS is making with their My Disqus product or Twitter’s pre-emptive purchase of Vine. Another Little Bird also made […]

The road to Facebook’s mid-term success is paved with search goodness, many believe. When the stock starts tanking, the top execs apparently believe a good thing to do at a shareholder’s meeting is make an opaque reference to building a better search engine. “Build a better search” is an anthem many of us in the […]

Samsung has sold many millions of units of its flagship Galaxy S3 Android smartphone around the world — well over 20 million (perhaps over 30 million now). However, according to Chitika, in a little under three weeks since the iPhone 5 has been out the Apple device has passed it in terms mobile traffic share […]

Findery announced they are now open to the public, still as a beta, but open for anyone to sign up with and use. Findery originally launched as Pinwheel but had to change their name to Findery over a trademark infringement issue. Findery allows users to leave public or private geotagged notes that are associated with […]

SMX Social Media Marketing Super Early Bird rates – the lowest offered – expire tomorrow, Saturday, October 13. Register now. Here’s all you get: Exceptional content: 2 days featuring tactic-packed sessions and keynotes 100% focused on paid, earned and owned social media Invaluable connections: Meet other’s like you and the expert speakers pre-show and in-person […]

As part of the Amsterdam Privacy Conference held earlier this week in The Netherlands, professors from the UC Berkeley School of Law presented research on US consumer attitudes toward online privacy and the concept of “do not track” (DNT) in particular. The three professors behind the research, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Jennifer M. Urban and Su Li, have published several […]

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