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Marketing Day: October 1, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

A federal judge ruled in Pinterest’s favor this week, granting the company $7.2 million in damages and the control of 100 domains that were registered by a Chinese cybersquatter. Qian Jin, described in the judgment as a “serial cybersquatter” that owns hundreds of domains similar to the names of large companies, registered domains such as […]

In a previous post describing a simple approach to de-seasonalizing your data, I covered how marketers can examine, at a rough level, the impact of seasonality on metrics. Obviously, your data science team would be looking at this data in greater depth and, to be sure, a more precise calculation of seasonality is a far […]

Once again, SEO is in the news. Once again, the media (along with an elected official or two — shocker!) clearly doesn’t understand how the industry works. While it seems New York’s elected (and appointed) officials could give a rodent’s posterior about protecting the interests of anyone except Big Corporate, “so called SEO companies” are […]

In its first step in capturing the complete conversion impact of AdWords campaigns, Google launched a new conversion type today called estimated cross-device conversion. Cross-device conversion estimates are calculated by using Google account holders who are logged in to multiple devices as a proxy for the greater population. The company says phone calls and in-store […]

Google Analytics has released a new version of its Android App with a complete redesign built specifically for phones and tablets. The announcement says the new app includes visualizations that automatically resize to fit the user’s device screen size and orientation, along with side navigation to access reports quickly. Other updates include specialized reporting for […]

A major upgrade has occurred for Facebook’s Graph Search – the ability to search posts and updates on top of the preexisting functionality. Users will be able to search posts by topic, location and time with the usual Graph Search modifiers. The results returned will soon include status updates, photo captions, check-ins and comments. This […]

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