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Marketing Day: November 9, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

This week was full of news that will have an impact on marketers today and well into the future. Foursquare rolled out ratings aimed at undermining Yelp’s star platform, Twitter continued to promote Twitter Cards, integrated Good Relations vocabulary, Google introduced Universal Analytics and Federated Media shut down their direct sales business. Marketing services […]

There are a lots of tablets in the market now and hardware-tracking firm IDC says that Android’s share is gaining on Apple. However, despite the increase in “shipments” of various tablets, very few of them drive meaningful web traffic according a new study from mobile publishing platform Onswipe. Onswipe says that the iPad is responsible […]

It’s hard to believe that we’re already a month into the fourth quarter. Most affiliate management initiatives are centered around the holiday shopping season; and, now that those plans are in motion, this is a good time to start thinking ahead and planning for 2013. While it may take a little more doing to get […]

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