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Marketing Day: November 8, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

After analyzing over 30 image features of eight million Instagram photos, visual analytics provider Curalate found images with blue hues received 24 percent more Likes than photos with predominantly red hues on the photo-sharing platform. Scheduled to be released next week, Curalate’s Instagram study also discovered single-colored images were more popular than images with multiple […]

Interested in one of the many new generic top-level domains that are coming online in the next couple years? Better get out your wallet or start saving now. If the prices that GoDaddy is asking for pre-registration on four new gTLDs is an indication of what’s to come, this is gonna be awfully expensive. GoDaddy […]

Wrapping up my series on dashboards, I want to address an issue I see in just about every spreadsheet I’ve seen in my career as a marketer: using Excel’s (hideous) default formatting for visualizations. You’ve seen them … the blue and red charts are particularly unforgivable. Worst of all, sticking with Excel’s default formatted table […]

Pinterest is expanding its reach this weekend, partnering with Michaels craft stores to host Pinterest-inspired parties. The Pinterest parties are scheduled for this Sunday, November 10, and will be hosted at all Michaels locations throughout the US and Canada, with the exception of Quebec. This Pinterest partnership with Michaels is different from its partnerships with […]

Like the functionality of Google+ communities, but don’t want to expose your content shared to the world? Well now Google’s got a solution for you: Restricted Google+ communities. Companies will now have the ability to create invite only communities or restricted communities that are open to those with email addresses specific to a domain name. […]

Twitter’s offering price was $26 but by the end of the day the stock had risen dramatically and closed at $44.90. Earlier in the day financial analysts were arguing that the company had under-priced its IPO and “left a billion dollars on the table.” Nonetheless the execution of the IPO was deemed “flawless” by many, […]

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