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Marketing Day: November 8, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Facebook is still tops when it comes to how much its average users spends on the site, but that time has declined by nearly a half-hour over the past six months. My assumption is that you can blame mobile for that. The numbers are from Nielsen’s Top 10 web brands list for September 2012. Nielsen […]

Having already made some incremental updates to the service, Delicious is prepping a more substantial redesign and is now offering a preview of what’s to come. The sneak peek is available at, but Delicious warns that it’s a work-in-progress and doesn’t have all of the existing site’s features. Here’s a screenshot of the home […]

So, you’ve chosen your ad types, written creative, ran and optimized your campaign. What’s next? Evaluating Success It’s a fairly straightforward process to decide if your campaign was successful. Did you get fans? Conversions? Sign ups? Did you fulfill your campaign’s original goals? That should be easy to measure. The optimization strategies outlined in my […]

Social marketing provider RadiumOne this morning released the results of a survey of US consumers about their mobile habits. There’s not a great deal of new information in the survey but it reaffirms the growing importance of mobile in the consumer purchase cycle — a basic fact that many marketers still seem not to fully […]

SMX Social Media Marketing Early Bird rates expire this Saturday, November 10. Register now and save on all pass options! Join us December 5-6 in Las Vegas for: Expert speakers dealing out jackpot-winning tactics on paid, earned and owned social media. High roller keynotes from Twitter’s safety team lead Del Harvey, and Vic Gundotra, head […]

How much thought have you put into deciding which app store you should publish your Android app in? If the answer is none, don’t panic; you are not alone. Although many marketers are aware of alternative app stores, many don’t know the advantages of using these additional app stores. The vast amounts of app developers initially opt […]

Although Twitter has been around for a long time, there are still many people who do not know what Twitter Cards are. Well, good news everyone: by the time you are finished reading this post, you will! Let me start out with a comparison. For Google, there are meta tags, for Facebook, there are Open […]

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