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Marketing Day: November 26, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

For the third consecutive year, websites selling counterfeit products online have been seized on Cyber Monday, the day generally thought to be the busiest online shopping day of the year. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced today that 132 domain names have been seized this year in two campaigns known as “Project Cyber […]

With Hurricane Sandy ravaging the East Coast, and the Obama-Romney election dominating national news attention, weather- and political-related websites saw big gains in traffic during October. That’s according to comScore’s Top 50 U.S. web properties list for the month. Websites in comScore’s Political News category collectively reached an all-time high with 60 million visitors, a […]

Earlier today, as everyone now knows, a press release went out announcing the acquisition of WiFi provider ICOA by Google for $400 million. Though it was suspiciously short and lacked any quotes from company officials most people took it as official and ran with it. I was prepared to write something as well when our […]

According to some new survey data released over the weekend by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 56 percent of all mobile phone owners in the US access the internet. In addition, Pew says that 85 percent of all US adults now own a mobile phone. There are approximately 250 million US adults today. […]

January is just around the corner! Do you have your social media marketing KPIs lined up for the new year? Are you looking for innovative new ways to boost your fan base, site traffic and convert your followers into paying customers? Learn the latest tactics and best-practices for Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest. Whether you’re […]

This weekend comScore reported that for the first time Black Friday online sales topped $1 billion. The expectation is that today, the awkwardly named “Cyber Monday,” will see potential online sales exceeding Friday’s totals, perhaps reaching $1.5 billion as Americans throw off the shackles of austerity that have limited holiday spending over the past few […]

Mobile devices have increasingly become the go-to resource for consumers looking to make a near-term buying decision. In fact, our recent xAd-Telmetrics Mobile Path to Purchase Study showed that more than 60 percent of mobile searchers ultimately make a purchase, many within hours or the same day. Because mobile consumers are further along in the […]

While 2012 isn’t entirely behind us just yet, many exciting things have happened in the digital space over the last twelve months that will have an impact on advertising in the New Year. Ad targeting has played a tremendous role in online advertising, and we have the abundance of available data to thank for this. […]

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