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Marketing Day: November 22, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Twitter’s Vine Adds 19 New Languages In Global Expansion Vine co-founder, Colin Kroll, announced in a blog post today that the six-second mobile video app is going global. Vine’s iOS app has been translated into 19 new languages and the Android app is now available in 21 more languages. The newest languages are: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese […]

  2. BI Report: Google Glass Will Sell 21 Million Units By 2018 Google Glass will become a mainstream product that sells almost a million units when it’s released next year, and grow to selling more than 21 million units by 2018. That’s according to a new Business Insider (BI) analyst report out this week. “Despite the clunkiness and awkwardness of the early beta version of Glass, we […]

  3. Using Proxy Metrics As KPIs? Learn The Myths & Limitations There are various marketing channels today, some more suited for building awareness and brand equity while others are better for direct response. However, the reason marketers invest in any given marketing channel is the belief that it will eventually lead to revenue gains, whether in the short or long term. In an ideal world, we […]

  4. Are Twitter Ads Right For Your Local Business? How To Decide With Twitter blasting out of the gate with IPO news, not to mention 230+ million monthly active users, many local marketers have been left wondering: when does it make sense for a local business to test Twitter ads? And, how much time and energy should be devoted to Twitter with the myriad of other social media […]

  5. Using Paid Search To Aid Your SEO A lot has changed in the world of search marketing over the last year. From Enhanced Campaigns to Hummingbird and not provided, search marketers have had to rethink and re-calibrate their strategies significantly. Some changes caused more uproar than others; but, one thing has become increasingly clear: the art and science of both SEO and […]

  6. “Game On” Says @Xbox To @Oreo On Twitter, Over Edible Gaming Controllers The new Xbox One game console from Microsoft officially becomes available in only a few hours, and the folks running the Xbox Twitter account are having some fun with those over at Oreo, swapping edible controller pictures. It started earlier today, when Oreo tweeted a picture of an Xbox-rival PlayStation 4 game controller decked out […]

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