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Marketing Day: November 12, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Android On A Whopping 80 Percent Of Smartphones Shipped In Q3 2013 Hardware tracker IDC reported today that the Android OS was on 80 percent of the smartphones shipped in the third quarter, globally. Quarterly shipments are not the same as sales to consumers. However it’s directionally consistent with sales. Losing share vs. a year ago, the iPhone captured just under 13 percent of all smartphone shipments. […]

  2. How Twitter Custom Timelines May Boost Twitter’s Reach Into The Web Twitter has a new way to allow people to curate tweets — Twitter Custom Timelines. Why does it need this when it already had another long-standing tool for tweet curation, Twitter Lists? The new system may allow brands to make better use of embedded tweets than lists allow, which in turn may further extend Twitter’s […]

  3. Want Google Glass? Sign Up At Google’s Glass Web Site To Be Added To The List Are you itching to get Google Glass? Google has quietly launched a new form at to allow US resident to be notified when Google Glass invites open up. The form asks your name, email, country (to validate you are in the US), why you are interested in Glass and how you would like to […]

  4. Twitter Announces Custom Timelines For Tweet Curation Around Events And Topics Today, Twitter launched custom timelines to help users control and organize tweets that appear in a steam. Users can choose the tweets they want to include in their custom timelines programmatically via the API or manually via TweetDeck. For example, an event organizer can curate the tweets related to that event and even embed it […]

  5. Google Finally Turns To Nielsen To Attract TV Ad Budgets, Following Twitter, Facebook The more things change, the more they stay the same. Nielsen, the ratings firm that has long acted as the arbiter of audience metrics for TV advertisers, has seen demand for its services for online reporting rise among brands and agencies. Google has balked at allowing Nielsen’s online campaign reporting tags to be placed on […]

  6. Social Media Marketing Tactics that Work – Next Week in Las Vegas Learn the latest tactics and best-practices for Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Whether you’re managing your brand’s communities, driving traffic with content or buying paid ads, SMX Social Media Marketing is meant just for you. Have a look at the agenda, jam-packed with proven techniques and tools. SMX Social Media Marketing is programmed by […]

  7. Google Glass To Add Music Search & Listen Features After Dropping It In XE11 When Google released the XE9 update, it introduced a feature to search for music based on listening to a song, similar to how Shazam works. With the XE11 update Google removed that feature. Google Glass Will Expand Its Features Into Music from the New York Times reports that today, Google will be bringing back this […]

  8. Making Media Truly Social What is social media? I know it’s a strange question considering the title of this column, but I think it’s one worth asking. Wikipedia, that great social encyclopedia, defines it as follows: Social media refers to the means of interaction among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Now, this is […]

  9. DemandBase Launches Cookie-Less B2B Retargeting Solution Today, B2B online targeting and personalization platform DemandBase is launching a solution that allows B2B advertisers to retarget to the companies that visit their websites. Based on the corporate IP address, DemandBase identifies the company a web visitor is from in real-time and then, depending on the actions they take on the site, programmatically retargets […]

  10. Live @ SMX Social Media Marketing: Social For The Sale & ROI You may have excellent reach and engagement with your customers via social media channels – but are you leveraging social media to actually help move product? Social For The Sale & ROI at SMX Social Media Marketing in Las Vegas on November 20-21 offers specific tactics and success stories for making social media a key […]

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