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Marketing Day: November 1, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. With @TwitterAdTips, Twitter Now Gives Advertising Advice Via Direct Messages It’s fascinating to watch Twitter evolve its direct message system into a marketing and engagement tool. The latest example of that is a new account called @TwitterAdTips that’s specifically built for Twitter’s advertisers. It promises “personalized tips to improve your Twitter Ads account performance.” And it’s going to share those tips via Direct Messages. It’s […]

  2. Groupon Gives Itself A Newly Designed Website & Mobile App For Its 5th Birthday Groupon is celebrating its five year anniversary today with the launch of a new website and mobile app. According to the announcement, both the site and app have been redesigned to include more search, browsing, merchandising and location features. “The website is now much faster and has a sophisticated new look and feel,” claims Groupon. […]

  3. Report: Mobile Email Consumption Continues To Surge With 61% Of Brand Emails Viewed On Smartphones & Tablets A new report from email marketing provider Movable Ink revealed more brand emails are opened on mobile devices versus desktops, with 61 percent of email opens happening on a smartphone or tablet. According to the report, iOS devices beat Androids when it comes to most popular mobile devices for reading brand emails. Basing its research […]

  4. Fun & Games: How To Win Big With In-Game Advertising The popularity of games has not been lost on the advertiser community. From a market opportunity perspective, the number of gamers worldwide is expected to surpass 1.2 billion by the end of this year, according to Newzoo’s 2013 Global Games Market Report. What’s more, the same report found that the global games market will reach […]

  5. 3 Paid Search Tips For A Successful Holiday Season With Black Friday and Cyber Monday around the corner, it is high time search marketers got their paid search program ready to scale up efficiently. Here are three tips you might want to consider in order to get the most from the holidays in paid search. 1. Analyze Top Holiday Search Queries & Build Seasonal […]

  6. Google: “In Stream” Activity On Google+ Doesn’t Only Happen On Google+ Itself Google reported this week that Google+ now has 300 million monthly “in stream” users — a number that places it well ahead of the 215 million monthly active users that Twitter recently listed in its pre-IPO S-1 document. But, as is often the case with usage numbers (and not just those related to Google+), the […]

  7. Deja Vu: The “Digg Effect” Is Back Close your eyes for a moment and go back with me to 2006. Twitter was a newborn. Facebook wasn’t nearly the behemoth that it is today. Google+? Yeah, right. Social media was a fairly new term at the time, and back then it boiled down primarily to two websites: MySpace and Digg. For publishers, it […]

  8. The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart Has The Scoop On Google’s Mystery Barge: It’s A Trap! What’s in that giant mystery barge that’s owned by Google in San Francisco Bay. There’s speculation it might be a floating data center or a shop for Google Glass. But the Daily Show’s Jon Stewart finds it’s an opportunity to poke fun at Google+, as well as Google’s ambitious plans to bring wifi to the […]

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