Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Instagram’s algorithmic feed will officially roll out over the next month Jun 3, 2016 by Tim Peterson Instagram claims people miss 70% of the posts in their reverse-chronological feeds, so it will officially roll out an algorithmic feed over the next month.
Gaining real estate in the inbox when campaigning in the 2016 election Jun 3, 2016 by Scott Heimes How can political candidates use email marketing to successfully reach voters? Columnist Scott Heimes has some tips for political senders.
Omnichannel on the line: 4 steps to enhance the customer experience Jun 3, 2016 by L. Erik Bratt In an omnichannel world, how do you deliver the most relevant experience to consumers? Columnist L. Erik Bratt explains how to efficiently collect and act on the data that’s spread across the many channels.
Twitter is testing carousel ads again, but a different type Jun 3, 2016 by Tim Peterson Advertisers can include up to 20 tweets, including ones sourced from normal people, in Twitter’s newish slideshow-like carousel ad format.
How to harness the IoT of retail technology Jun 3, 2016 by Allan Haims As the Internet of Things transforms retail, columnist Allan Haims discusses the hurdles and how businesses can successfully integrate the vast amounts of IoT data.
A CMO’s View: How SunTrust is maximizing its Super Bowl 50 campaign Jun 3, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues Susan Somersille Johnson shares why her brand decided to be a Super Bowl 50 advertiser and the steps it’s taking to extend its OnUp Movement.
IBM announces Watson-powered ads that think Jun 2, 2016 by Barry Levine The new “cognitive ads,” launching this fall initially through IBM’s The Weather Company, enable consumers to conduct brand-related conversations with the Jeopardy winner.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Four Key Metric Groups For B2B Marketers, thefuturebuzz.com
Blogs & Blogging
Blogging in the Viral Age: 5 Ways to Tip the Scales in Your Favor, www.blogherald.com
Popular “Mommy Blogger” Calls It Quits, Criticizes Blogging World, www.blogherald.com
Business Issues
Facebook is changing its bylaws so it won’t make the same mistake as Viacom, qz.com
Glassdoor Raises $40 Million Amid Investor Skepticism, www.wsj.com
Snapchat secretly acquires Seene, a computer vision startup that lets mobile users make 3D selfies, techcrunch.com
Twitter talks to Yahoo about merger, nypost.com
Content Marketing
3 Ways to Use User-Generated Content, blog.marketo.com
5 Content Marketing Goals for Massive ROI, www.searchenginejournal.com
54 Content Writing Examples, Tools, Tips, and Resources, contentmarketinginstitute.com
How To Create Content That Matches Your Sales Funnel, www.searchenginepeople.com
Rainmaker Rewind: A Process for Content Marketing Success, www.copyblogger.com
Conversion Optimization
5 Unlikely Obstacles Hindering SaaS Conversions, blog.kissmetrics.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
A Simple Button Could Fix One Of Mobile’s Most Annoying UX Flaws, www.fastcodesign.com
How to: Edit and proofread, www.portent.com
4 retail execs explain where they’re investing in 2016, digiday.com
Amazon Alexa now has over 1,000 Skills, up from 135 in January, techcrunch.com
Amazon Doesn’t Need to Own Ecommerce Delivery, multichannelmerchant.com
Amazon Echo: The new voice in brand engagement, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Analyst: Amazon could be largest American company by 2020, www.retaildive.com
Shoppers Are Downloading More Mobile Retail Apps, www.emarketer.com
Email Marketing
How to Create Emails That Perfectly Match Your Business Brand, blogs.constantcontact.com
Memorial Day Campaigns Rundown, movableink.com
The Do’s and Don’ts of Email Campaigns for Nonprofits, www.verticalresponse.com
General Internet Marketing
3 Ways We Failed at Digital Advertising, www.beyondthepaid.com
How Live Chat is Becoming Essential in the Marketing Mix, www.martechadvisor.com
Marketing Lessons from The World’s Most Interesting Brands, www.convinceandconvert.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Why CMOs Should Learn to Speak Geek, www.martechadvisor.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
Are Mobile Users Returning to Apps After Trying Them Out?, www.emarketer.com
Can Customer Messaging Apps Improve Conversions?, www.cmswire.com
Check Out The 72 New Emojis Coming Soon To Your Phone Keyboard, www.fastcompany.com
How Many Mobile Apps Do Consumers Use Each Month?, www.marketingprofs.com
Push Notifications Are Important But Watch the Overload, www.adweek.com
Want your app to be #1 on the App Store? Just give away a free sandwich, techcrunch.com
Other Items
Introducing the Yahoo Sports App for Apple TV 4, yahoo.tumblr.com
Social Media
4 Brand-Changing Lessons from the 2016 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, simplymeasured.com
5 Biggest Engagement Boosting Tips for Brands on Twitter in 2016, www.newswhip.com
5 Tips for Creating Shareable LinkedIn Posts, contently.com
Commerce at Twitter is not dead, techcrunch.com
Facebook algorithm shift hits media groups, next.ft.com
Facebook built a chat bot called “Crisis Bot” to monitor global crises, qz.com
Facebook Interest Targeting: How Your Profile is Targeted (The Good and Bad), www.jonloomer.com
Facebook kills off Notify news app, techcrunch.com
How AOL Used Snapchat as a Recruitment Tool for Millennial Women, www.adweek.com
How Snapchat Geofilters Spark Personalized Customer Storytelling, www.convinceandconvert.com
Pin Curation: The Cornerstone of a Strong Pinterest Strategy, blog.tailwindapp.com
Pinterest’s Real-World Pins Let In-Store Shoppers Save Real Items to Virtual Boards, www.adweek.com
Publisher Reach on Facebook Is Down 42%, www.adweek.com
Snapchat redesign will combine Live Stories and Discover, digiday.com
Twitter’s anti-Semitism problem is exactly why Twitter has a growth problem, qz.com
What Social Media Intelligence Can Do for Your Brand, www.martechadvisor.com
This Hotel Is Giving Travelers 360-Degree Cameras to Shoot Its VR Campaign, www.adweek.com
Video Will Account for 70% of All Mobile Traffic by 2021, www.reelseo.com
Young Hollywood Focuses On Video Ad Quality As It Ramps Up PMP Deals, adexchanger.com