Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Facebook Audience Network partners with third-party mediation platforms, including Twitter’s MoPub Mar 24, 2016 by Ginny Marvin The new Native Partner Program gives publishers using one of the approved mediation platforms access to FAN formats & demand.
Optimize local marketing the same way big companies do Mar 24, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Together with BIA/Kelsey, Vendasta has released an in-depth look at the do-it-with-me (DIWM) service model for marketing solutions geared to small and medium-sized businesses. Small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) are the new frontier for digital services.
Brand bidding & PPC optimization: Reducing your competition (Part 5 of 8) Mar 24, 2016 by Lori Weiman In Part 5 of an 8-part series on PPC brand bidding, columnist Lori Weiman shares her tips on how to deal with competitors who are bidding on your brand name.
New benchmarks: Google AdWords cost per acquisition across 20 industries [study] Mar 24, 2016 by Larry Kim Are you a PPC Unicorn or a PPC Donkey? Columnist Larry Kim shares data on CPA averages by industry so you can see how you measure up to the competition.
Facebook video metrics add richer day-by-day data Mar 24, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg Facebook’s video metrics have been enhanced to give marketers insights into viewer performance, broken down by day.
Report: Apple Pay moving to the mobile web, could give big boost to m-commerce Mar 24, 2016 by Greg Sterling Retailers should be doing everything they can to increase mobile transactions.
The essential metrics to analyze for keyword research success Mar 24, 2016 by Paul Shapiro When it comes time to choose your target keywords, what data should inform your decision? Columnist Paul Shapiro shares some helpful metrics to look at when evaluating which keywords to pursue.
#MarTech Conference: Vendor roundtable on the future of martech Mar 24, 2016 by Derek Edmond MarTech Conference chair Scott Brinker sits down with industry visionaries to discuss the future of marketing technology, and columnist Derek Edmond recaps the highlights.
How your web presence can become the undisputed champion against big brand Goliaths Mar 24, 2016 by Stoney deGeyter Outperforming your big brand competitors may seem like an impossible task, but contributor Stoney deGeyter believes that with a little work, you can exploit your rivals’ weaknesses and come out on top.
Everything you need to know for successful email A/B testing Mar 24, 2016 by Scott Heimes Just getting started with A/B testing, or looking to fine-tune your strategy? Columnist Scott Heimes walks you through the essentials to help you get the most out of your email marketing program.
IAB releases a calculator to show how much ad spend goes to programmatic ad tech fees Mar 24, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Publishers and media buyers can use the tool to better understand the overall cost of ad technology in the supply chain.
#MarTech Conference: 10 myths martech vendors tell Mar 24, 2016 by Derek Edmond The Real Story Group’s Theresa Regli reveals the top martech myths and what the reality is. Columnist Derek Edmond recaps her presentation at the MarTech Conference.
YouTube: 2016 presidential election-related video watch time up 485% since last April Mar 24, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues YouTube’s latest trends report tracks watch time for election-related videos as well as which campaign issues are getting the most attention.
7 ways your video content is missing the mark Mar 24, 2016 by Erika Trautman Are you neglecting mobile optimization or social sharing on your videos? Columnist Erika Trautman discusses common mistakes marketers make when developing their video content and how you can avoid them.
Impersonated on Facebook? The social network is testing an alert feature Mar 24, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg Facebook’s safety team is working to prevent impersonation, enhance security and stop the spread of images that expose victims of abuse.
Square integrates Facebook Ads into expanding “Customer Engagement” suite Mar 23, 2016 by Greg Sterling Company adds another marketing channel to its growing CRM toolset.
Score deeper savings for SMX Advanced by coming as a team Mar 23, 2016 by Marketing Land Search Engine Land’s SMX Advanced is designed to deliver leading-edge tactics in SEO, SEM, mobile, analytics and much more. Sign up as a team and score the deepest discounts available. At SMX Advanced, your team will: get actionable tips and strategies from expert-level search marketing veterans.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Help! What Do I Do Without My Analytics Data?, www.komarketingassociates.com
New Study Reveals Why Integrated Marketing Analytics Are Critical to Success in Enterprise Measurement, analytics.blogspot.com
Blogs & Blogging
10 Things I Wish I Had Known About Blogging When I First Began, www.problogger.net
Business Issues
Amazon says there’s no pay gap for women and minorities among its US workforce, qz.com
Google is reportedly building an Amazon Echo rival, www.theverge.com
Yahoo Statement Regarding Starboard Announcement, investor.yahoo.net
Content Marketing
17 Content Creation Secrets to Wow Your Readers, www.convinceandconvert.com
A Guide to Creating Awesome Content in the Affiliate Industry, www.amnavigator.com
Brand Guidelines to the Rescue for Clear, Consistent Stories [Example], contentmarketinginstitute.com
How to build an arsenal of evergreen content, www.newswhip.com
How to Create an Effective E-Book, www.copypress.com
How to Create Content Rituals to Get More Done, www.amyporterfield.com
The Brand as Publisher Masterplan – Reinventing Content Marketing for the Next Decade, moz.com
What is Content Marketing? Definition, Examples & Resources for Learning More, www.toprankblog.com
Conversion Optimization
How to Find Correlative Metrics For Conversion Optimization, conversionxl.com
How To Turn Leads Into Customers In 2016, blog.crazyegg.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
“Super Verbs” Add Power & Persuasion to Your Copy, www.marketingwords.com
Is your Website holding you back?, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Marketing in the Age of Personalization: How to Deliver Compelling Customer Experiences, www.martechadvisor.com
Display & Contextual Advertising
Viewability Rate Climbing for Digital Display Ads in France, www.emarketer.com
E-retailers win the race for site load times, www.internetretailer.com
How Amazon’s Alexa is bringing intelligent assistance into the mainstream, venturebeat.com
Email Marketing
Build a Better Newsletter, blog.movableink.com
Email is dying among mobile’s youngest users, techcrunch.com
Google makes Gmail security warnings more prominent for users, techcrunch.com
Spring Clean Your Email Marketing Efforts, www.verticalresponse.com
The past year’s 4 most important email marketing developments, www.internetretailer.com
General Internet Marketing
5 Predictions in Digital Marketing to Watch, smallbiztrends.com
Digital Marketing Channels by Brand Lifecycle Stage (Infographic), www.goinflow.com
Jewish-Focused Online Ad Network Courts Marketers, Wall Street Journal
Report: Emoji Usage in Marketing Messages on the Rise, www.adweek.com
With The High Cost Of Customization, The Industry Must Learn to Love “Vanilla”, adexchanger.com
You Don’t Have to Be a Super Hero to Do Real Time Marketing, www.cmswire.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Alignable Appoints CMO to Scale Brand & User Base, www.marketwired.com
Israeli marketing startup CiValue raises $2.4 million backed by Deutsche Telekom, venturebeat.com
Unmetric Adds Facebook Reactions Tracking to Social Media Analytics Product, www.prweb.com
3 Ways to Navigate the MarTech Landscape, blog.marketo.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
5 Ways to Improve Mobile Commerce in 2016, www.practicalecommerce.com
Beyond the app: Creating an app-like experience on a mobile website, www.retaildive.com
Chinese mobile consumers prefer shopping apps to mobile websites, www.internetretailer.com
Google gets its unreleased Glass back, Mercury News
Mobile marketers are as obsessed with emojis as we are, venturebeat.com
Social Media
5 Ways to Use LinkedIn Publisher for Business, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
6 Reactions by Marketers to the End of ‘Free Social’ as the Algorithm Era Unfolds, www.adweek.com
Facebook’s Timehop clone On This Day gets 60 million daily visitors, techcrunch.com
Five Twitter Hacks to Skyrocket Your Engagement, www.marketingprofs.com
Instagram Ad Campaigns: 4 Tips For a Better Mobile Experience, unbounce.com
Microsoft’s Twitter Bot: From Awfully Sweet to Awful in a Day, www.cmswire.com
Once bullish on Pinterest, ad world sees it slipping, digiday.com
Reaching Moms on Instagram, blog.business.instagram.com
The Death of Organic Social and the Integration of Social Marketing, simplymeasured.com
Google is building YouTube Connect, a livestreaming app to take on Periscope, VentureBeat
Do People Watch Long Videos on Smartphones?, www.marketingprofs.com
Four Winning Tips for Sports Teams Using Facebook Live, www.newswhip.com
In 10 months, Quartz has gone from zero to 200 million video views, digiday.com
Live Streaming vs Video on Demand: Brands Need Both, www.reelseo.com
Marketers Must Treat VR as a Consumer-First Medium, adage.com
The Washington Post is making vertical video ads for clients, digiday.com
Yahoo Video Guide Adds Movie Trailers and More!, yahoo.tumblr.com