Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
6 top content management systems compared Aug 3, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot If you are thinking about implementing a content management system, searching for the best CMS resources, or simply want to learn more about why it helps to have one, this white paper from ARKE will give you the answers.
Report: Nearly three-quarters of native ads get failing scores Aug 3, 2016 by Barry Levine New study by the Online Trust Alliance finds that most native ads do not adequately show that they are ads.
Link prospecting tips and tricks Aug 3, 2016 by Andrew Dennis Link building is an art that many, including columnist Andrew Dennis, have learned through trial and error. Today, he shares some of what he’s learned about how to identify and obtain better links.
Link profile analysis: How to prevent penalties by being proactive Aug 3, 2016 by Brian Harnish Columnist Brian Harnish tackles how to analyze links from a Google Webmaster Guidelines perspective, and how to make sure that your client’s linking activities don’t cause them to lose everything they have gained.
You can’t spell “developer marketing” without A-P-I Aug 3, 2016 by Josh Aberant Making technology sales to developers has changed radically over the last few years. Columnist Josh Aberant offers insight on how to succeed in that expanding landscape.
Five ways marketers can win in mobile-first micro-moments Aug 3, 2016 by Brian Solis Everyone wants to achieve mobile success, but how do you go about it? Contributor Brian Solis shares analysis of Google’s advice on how marketers can take advantage of micro-moments.
Research: Five reasons why 100% viewability isn’t worth the cost (by a long shot) Aug 3, 2016 by Keith Pieper Some industry experts may advise advertisers and agencies to “hold out” for 100% viewability on their media buys, but contributor Keith Pieper says it’s not worth it and proposes a different path.
A Snapchat Story showing the (few) differences with Instagram Stories Aug 2, 2016 by Tim Peterson Instagram Stories are a close clone of Snapchat Stories, but there are some differences between the two, like how they handle pre-recorded photos and videos.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
The state of predictive analytics, econsultancy.com
Blogs & Blogging
10 Best WordPress Multi-Author Management Plugins, www.wpexplorer.com
A 12-Step Guide to Growth on Medium, www.searchenginejournal.com
Verizon Acquisition Will Make Tumblr Relevant Again, www.socialmediaexplorer.com
Business Issues
Area 404: Facebook’s New 22,000-Square-Foot Hardware Lab, www.adweek.com
Content Marketing
“Stranger Things” Can Make You a Better Content Marketer, www.komarketingassociates.com
Boost Content Marketing Results & Learn How LinkedIn Grew Their Blog by 30X, www.toprankblog.com
Content Marketing Is a Multi-Player Game, adage.com
Content Strategist Karen McGrane: ‘Content Marketing Isn’t a Strategy’, www.cmswire.com
Create High-Quality Guidelines To Get High-Quality Content, www.searchenginepeople.com
Creative Spotlight: 5 Storytelling Tips to Take Your Business from Meh to Mesmerizing, www.copypress.com
Here’s Why Your Content is Struggling, www.blogherald.com
Over 70 Percent of Native Ads Get a Failing Grade, contently.com
The Biggest Content Marketing Trends in 2017, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Five key points to consider for a smooth site migration, econsultancy.com
Amazon Dash expands as streamlined purchasing experience supports retention, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
B2B E-Commerce Should Take a Page From Amazon’s Book, www.cmswire.com
Etsy shows signs of life in Q2 earnings with merchant sales hitting $669.7 million, techcrunch.com
Google will test delivery drones in the US, www.internetretailer.com
Wal-Mart in Talks to Buy Web Retailer Jet.com, www.wsj.com
Why in-chat ecommerce is the next big thing, venturebeat.com
Email Marketing
3 Ways to Use Email Marketing + Pokemon Go to Promote Your Business, movableink.com
Email Marketing Tips for a Lasting First Impression, www.martechadvisor.com
General Internet Marketing
5 Core Components of a Successful ABM Strategy, blog.marketo.com
Customer.io Announces Actions, Powering Omni-Channel, Customer-Centric Experiences, www.prweb.com
Great Customer Experience: Part Art, Part Science, Part … Magic?, www.cmswire.com
How the 80/20 Rule Affects Your Distribution Channels And Why It Matters to You, blog.kissmetrics.com
Imgur’s Quest To Create Upvoted Ads, adexchanger.com
The New Reality of B2B Marketing: The Imperative of Online Visibility, www.marketingprofs.com
The right (and wrong) way to get influencers involved in your marketing plan, venturebeat.com
What’s the Most Effective Means of Influencer Marketing?, www.emarketer.com
Why Engaged Communities Trump High Follower Counts, www.convinceandconvert.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Announcing a Partnership with MediaMath, www.factual.com
The Top 10 Free Content Analytics Tools, contently.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
Mobile moments happen at the speed of light, digiday.com
Mobile Payment Apps Drive O2O Commerce in China, www.emarketer.com
Moving Your Business from Online Only to Mobile Friendly, smallbiztrends.com
Why chatbots are replacing apps, venturebeat.com
Why Local Businesses Should Treat Their Store Locator Like a Shopping Cart, streetfightmag.com
Other Items
Yahoo ‘Aware’ Hacker Is Advertising 200 Million Supposed Accounts on Dark Web, motherboard.vice.com
Reputation Management
Crisis Alert! Protecting Brand Reputation In The Digital Age, www.aimclearblog.com
Social Media
18 Social Media Tactics Used by the Silicon Valley Unicorns, blog.crazyegg.com
5 Steps to Improve your LinkedIn Profile in Minutes, blog.linkedin.com
Beauty brands jump on Instagram Stories, digiday.com
Brands Who Failed Hard During #Reddit AMAs – And What We Can Learn, www.searchenginejournal.com
Creative Ways to Make Facebook Ads Work for Low Budgets, 3qdigital.com
Facebook Pages Getting Shop, Services Sections, www.adweek.com
Facebook to let emerging market companies sell through their pages, www.reuters.com
How People Use Facebook and Instagram in Different Ways, www.marketingprofs.com
How Snapchat Can Open the Door for Marketers Without “Screwing It Up”, www.adweek.com
How to 10x Your Instagram Marketing, www.jeffbullas.com
Optimising your Pinterest for affiliate sales, blog.affiliatewindow.com
Snapchat Influencers Start Labeling Social Endorsements as Paid Ads, www.adweek.com
Targeting, control, measurement: What agencies want from Facebook’s new TV-like ads, digiday.com
The Shifting Social Media Landscape: Where Should You Place Your Bets?, thedma.org
Twitter is the strange new kingmaker of the 21st century, qz.com
Twitter: Gnip 2.0 APIs Now Generally Available, www.adweek.com
Why Snapchat Builds a Killer Loyal Audience, www.problogger.net
3 Tips for Pinning Video on Pinterest, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
6 DIY Tools Merchants Can Use to Make Video Ads, streetfightmag.com
Kids now works with YouTube Red, youtube.googleblog.com
Monetizing VR is like the Wild West — but you can still make money today, venturebeat.com
Survey: Social Video Gains Ground With Advertisers, But Clients Prefer To Buy Direct, adexchanger.com
The Live Blog: August 2, 2016, media.fb.com
Video Marketing Ideas: 9 Ways to Promote Video Content, www.wordstream.com
Virtual Insanity: How VR Is Taking Over the World, www.koozai.com
When Will the VR Revolution Come for Marketers?, contently.com
Will Facebook Live usher in a new era of TV home shopping?, www.internetretailer.com