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Marketing Day: MTV VMAs Set Twitter Record, Android Wear Now Compatible With iPhone & Holiday I

Writer: Fahad HFahad H

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. MTV VMAs Set Record For Most Tweeted US TV Show (Excluding Sports) Awards show draws 21.4 million tweets, only 4 million fewer than than the 2015 Super Bowl.

  2. Wearables Game Changer: Android Wear Now Compatible With iPhone Google just changed the rules for wearables. It has introduced Android Wear for iOS. The caveat is that right now it’s only available for one smartwatch, the LG Urbane.

  3. 4 Ways Marketers Can Rip A Page From The Sales Playbook To Be More Effective Sales and marketing don’t have to be at odds with one another. Columnist Steve Olenski discusses what marketing teams can learn from sales to benefit the whole organization.

  4. How To Banish Bad Bots From Your Site Analytics One study estimates that bots account for 56% of website traffic — and it’s likely their influence is skewing your analytics. Columnist Ben Goodsell outlines the threat and explains how to mitigate it.

  5. Headache Or Opportunity? The Profusion Of Marketing Data As the marketing industry continues to shift, marketers need to connect the data dots and learn how to integrate their martech and adtech, advises columnist Scott Vaughan.

  6. 3 Steps To Better Holiday Insights With Cohort Analysis If you’re not making use of cohort analysis, the pending holidays may be reason enough to jump on board. Columnist Jordan Elkind tells you how to get started.

  7. With New CEO Aboard, Lands’ End Seeks To Reinvent Itself With Fall Campaign For its fall effort, the 50-year-old retailer unveils a two-pronged approach aimed at expanding its portfolio while holding onto loyalists.

  8. Yahoo: The Decline Of The Mobile Browser Is A Threat To Search Earlier this week Yahoo held its second Mobile Developer Conference in New York. This was the East Coast version of its inaugural developer conference held in San Francisco earlier this year.

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