Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Amazon adds 100 new Dash buttons & triples the number of available brands Mar 31, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues The e-commerce giant says Dash button orders have jumped 75 percent over the last three months.
Salesforce VP: In the age of predictive and self-learning tech, marketing is turning into goal-setting Mar 31, 2016 by Barry Levine Marketers, Leslie Fine said, will increasingly focus more on their destinations and less on the step-by-step turns to get there.
Video ads are coming to Facebook Instant Articles Mar 31, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg Facebook Instant Articles open to all publishers on April 12, and publishers will be encouraged to take part and make money on advertising with video ads.
DocuSign CMO aims to bring his brand to life by giving it more of an emotional POW! Mar 31, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues Get to Know: DocuSign CMO Brad Brooks
A century of celebrating Mom: smart ad strategies for the mother of all holidays Mar 31, 2016 by John Cosley Want to make the most of your paid search campaigns this Mother’s Day? Columnist John Cosley of Bing Ads shares Mother’s Day insights for digital marketers.
Is your marketing organization struggling with the pace of digital? “Hacking Marketing” is the answer [Review] Mar 31, 2016 by Chris Elwell Scott Brinker’s book explains how modern marketers should adopt software development practices. Columnist and Third Door Media CEO Chris Elwell reviews the new release.
Are our leading brands also optimization leaders? Mar 31, 2016 by Brian Massey Are well-known brand name e-tailers taking advantage of the tools available for optimization? Columnist Brian Massey shares his analysis of 7 top sites.
Want real results from social? Start paying. Mar 31, 2016 by Blaise Lucey If you think your organic social media posts are delivering diminishing returns, you’re not wrong. Columnist Blaise Lucey explains why pay-to-play is becoming the new norm for all social marketing.
5 engaging visual content formats that aren’t infographics Mar 31, 2016 by Kerry Jones Are you producing infographics on autopilot? Columnist Kerry Jones shares innovative content formats which may communicate your message more effectively.
Ad network AdTheorent can now forecast if you’re likely to visit a physical store after seeing an ad Mar 31, 2016 by Barry Levine Partnership with location analytics provider Placed tracks which ad-targeted users actually visit, so its machine learning-created model can predict others.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
AdGooroo releases travel and retail keyword results after Google’s right rail ad change
First-page minimum bids continue to rise in wake of Google desktop SERP changes
From waste to win: watch how a simple change affects AdWords performance
New report from the Local Search Association on SMB advertiser churn
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
Study: Marketers Are Measuring Their Lead Gen All Wrong, contently.com
Blogs & Blogging
4 Tips for Finding the Right Blog Length in 2016, www.searchinfluence.com
7 Reference Guides for Successful Blogging in 2016, www.searchenginejournal.com
Do Blogs Still Matter For Your Business Strategy? You Betcha!, heidicohen.com
How to Blog from the Heart, www.problogger.net
How to optimize your food blog, yoast.com
Business Issues
Content Marketing
A Take on 3 Confusing Content Terms, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Buzzfeed-ication of Content and an Omni-Device World: Is Your Marketing Ready?, thedma.org
Content creators, it’s time to abandon yourself to Facebook, econsultancy.com
Creating a Great White Paper, www.copypress.com
How To Create Content To Attract Social Shares, www.searchenginepeople.com
How to Pull Curious Content Junkies From Your Lead Pool, www.cmswire.com
Six Ways Thinking Like a Cartoonist Boosts Your Content Marketing, www.convinceandconvert.com
Three Steps to Maximizing ROI in a New Era of Content, www.marketingprofs.com
Why Marketers Don’t Personalize Content, www.emarketer.com
Conversion Optimization
4 Things Steve Jobs can Teach Us About CRO, www.searchenginejournal.com
A Crash Course on A/B Testing Facebook Ad Campaigns, conversionxl.com
How the Right Visual Can Transform Any Landing Page, www.blogherald.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
5 Tips for Spotless Marketing Copy, blog.marketo.com
Over 20 Companies Fighting For .org Contract, domainincite.com
Over 53% Of New gTLD Are Registered In China: Just Over 10% By Those In US, www.thedomains.com
3 ways online retailers can win customers’ trust, www.internetretailer.com
Facebook’s Chat App Won’t Be an Overnight Sensation for E-commerce Players, www.adweek.com
Native ads in retailers’ apps get more relevant with real-time data, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Retail Execs Plan Omnichannel Fulfillment Initiatives, www.emarketer.com
Scaling Your e-Commerce Business with Steve Chou, www.amyporterfield.com
Subtle Ways to Personalize the Shopping Experience, multichannelmerchant.com
Email Marketing
25 Proven Steps to Achieve Email Marketing Magic, www.verticalresponse.com
April Fools’ Day Emails Done Right, blog.movableink.com
Discover How to Increase Effectiveness of Lifecycle Email Marketing, www.martechadvisor.com
How to Build Your List Through the Amazon Kindle Store, blog.crazyegg.com
Make Your Cold Prospecting Emails Feel a Little Less Cold, unbounce.com
The elements of a top-notch April Fool’s Day email, myemma.com
General Internet Marketing
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Account-based Marketing, www.martechadvisor.com
Let Demographics Help Guide Your Marketing Strategy, www.marketingprofs.com
Online “Influencers” Become Hot Assets, www.wsj.com
The Importance of Brand Ambassadors in the Digital Age, multichannelmerchant.com
The Millenial marketing myth, www.usertesting.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Email Marketing Leader PostUp Expands Leadership Team Following Record Business Growth, www.marketwired.com
SheKnows Media to Acquire Women’s Health Company HelloFlo, www.businesswire.com
15 Key Visualizations & Diagrams From #MarTech 2016, www.komarketingassociates.com
Mindshare’s Perspective On Ad Tech, adexchanger.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
Evaluating a mobile data platform: Why certain “proof points” can be misleading, venturebeat.com
Hey Microsoft, how many apps are in the Windows Store?, venturebeat.com
How ad blocking will affect mobile marketing, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
How to Make Your Mobile App Stand Out in the Crowded App Store, www.marketingprofs.com
How to make your site mobile friendly, www.branded3.com
Mobile must fuel decision-making for marketing and retail, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Mobile now captures 2 out of every 3 digital media minutes in U.S., venturebeat.com
Social Media
Twitter Considers a Standalone Messaging App, recode.net
Average Number of Social Media Followers for B2B? LinkedIn Kills It, smallbiztrends.com
Do you need to be on that new social media platform?, econsultancy.com
Everything You Need to Know About Snapchat Chat 2.0, blog.bufferapp.com
Facebook Messenger can now be your boarding pass on KLM flights, www.theverge.com
Facebook’s New Reaction Buttons: A Game Changer For Advertisers?, adexchanger.com
Has LinkedIn Made the Classic “Jack of All Trades” Mistake?, www.adweek.com
How SMBs Are Using Social Media, www.marketingprofs.com
How to Build a Peer Network to Increase Your Social Reach, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Instagram is coaching advertisers to approach it exactly the same way they do Facebook, digiday.com
Instagram Updates Overlay for Action-Driving Ads, www.adweek.com
The 5 Most Common Misses in Social Strategy Development, simplymeasured.com
The Atlantic’s verdict on Facebook Instant Articles: “Jury’s still out”, digiday.com
Trend report: What’s popular on Pinterest this month, blog.pinterest.com
7 Prominent Personalities Who Got Fame Through YouTube, www.jeffbullas.com
How One Company Is Using Virtual Reality Video For Brand Storytelling, www.convinceandconvert.com
How publishers are adapting their video strategies in the age of platforms, digiday.com
The Age of Video Advertising: 10 Ways to Optimize This Growing Trend, www.tune.com
TubeMogul Partners With Facebook to Help Brands Extend TV Audience Reach to Digital, www.adweek.com
Video Social Networks Show Rapid Growth, smallbiztrends.com