Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Startup Hi-Fi launches mobile news feed of publisher content, selectable by hashtags Jun 20, 2016 by Barry Levine These “Tag Topics,” the company said, let publishers control their content and mobile users control their info overload.
Unruly, Moat & News Corp join up to launch new mobile vertical video ad format Jun 20, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues In addition to the new vertical video ads, Unruly announced its “Vertical Video Collective” – a network of mobile-first, vertical video creators.
3 digital marketing opportunities for franchises Jun 20, 2016 by Jason Decker Columnist Jason Decker explores often-neglected tactics that can give you an edge in a local market.
Facebook’s web app-like Canvas ads can now run as organic Page posts Jun 20, 2016 by Tim Peterson Facebook will let Page owners use the interactive Canvas ad format for organic Page posts in a bid to get people to spend more time in the social network.
What your boss actually wants from your local search reports Jun 20, 2016 by Lydia Jorden Do you ever find your eyes glazing over when putting together and presenting your regular local search reports? Columnist Lydia Jorden explains how to develop a revenue-based report that will be sure to impress both your client and your boss.
Overcome 14 common challenges digital agencies and media companies face Jun 20, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Every agency and media company today faces a growing list of challenges that keep them from entering or sustaining success in the local digital space.
Facebook keynote opens Marketing Land’s Social Pro conference Jun 20, 2016 by Matt McGee Wei Kuan Lum, Facebook’s Head of SMB Business Marketing, to talk about where the company is headed and what it’ll mean and offer for marketers.
[WATCH] Marketing Land Live #18: Apple’s WWDC news, MSFT buys LinkedIn, Facebook “all video” & more Jun 20, 2016 by Matt McGee Will Facebook’s News Feed someday be all video? Will Siri’s move to desktop impact Google? Will Microsoft and LinkedIn be a good marriage? Those topics and more are discussed in our latest weekly video show.
Mobile ad networks: Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em (a survival guide) Jun 20, 2016 by Craig Weinberg DSP, SSP… Sometimes it feels like a bewildering blur of acronyms. Columnist Craig Weinberg is here to help with an explanation of the main types of networks and their pros and cons.
Can you trust your media buying agency? Jun 20, 2016 by Ratko Vidakovic In the wake of the recent ANA investigation into media agency transparency, columnist Ratko Vidakovic covers the key findings that marketers must know.
Google’s Optimize 360 creates exciting opportunities for testing & personalization Jun 20, 2016 by Nick Iyengar Google’s Analytics 360 Suite offers a bevy of new solutions for enterprise marketers. Columnist Nick Iyengar walks you through his favorite, Optimize 360, and explains how to get started and what it can do for you.
LISTEN: SocialPro Conference Preview Podcast Jun 20, 2016 by Marketing Land Marketing Land’s Social Media reporter Tim Peterson chats with special guest speakers from our SocialPro Conference happening in Seattle, Washington, Monday and Tuesday June 20-21st.
Twitter advertisers to get stats on video performance Jun 17, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg A partnership with Innovid gives Twitter video advertisers video analytics such as views, engagement and more.
Facebook makes it clearer when an Instant Article is an advertorial Jun 17, 2016 by Tim Peterson Facebook is adding brands’ logos to Instant Articles advertorial bylines in an effort to make marketers more visible and the format more attractive to them.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
Best practices for affiliate marketing on Pinterest, www.internetretailer.com
The importance of affiliate disclosure, blog.affiliatewindow.com
Blogs & Blogging
10 Essential Imaging Tools For Successful Bloggers, www.jeffbullas.com
2x Your Blog Writing Productivity and Reduce Your Stress by Single-Tasking, www.problogger.net
5 tips for beating writer’s block, www.branded3.com
Get Your Blog On: 4 Steps to Blogging Success, blog.marketo.com
Lionbridge Integrates its Industry-Leading onDemand Translation Platform with WordPress, www.lionbridge.com
Business Issues
Ev Williams is The Forrest Gump of the Internet, www.theatlantic.com
How Yahoo derailed Tumblr, mashable.com
LeEco acquires Santa Clara property from Yahoo for $250 million where it could house more than 12,000 workers, www.bizjournals.com
Content Marketing
36 Calls For Content Marketing Help, marketingthink.com
6 Simple Tweaks to Help You Create Content That’s More Effective, smallbiztrends.com
Content Marketing Staffing Trends for 2016, www.marketingprofs.com
How User Segmentation Really Works in Content Marketing, contentmarketinginstitute.com
More Americans at Digital than Newspapers: How to Stay Ahead, www.newswhip.com
Three Journalist Traits Every Content Marketer Should Have, www.marketingprofs.com
Conversion Optimization
5 Proven Formulas for High-Converting Landing Page Headlines, www.wordstream.com
How trust factors influence online sales and conversions, www.internetretailer.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Can You Teach AI To Design? Wix Thinks So, www.fastcodesign.com
Want to Improve Customer Experience? Ask Your Customers for Help, www.cmswire.com
5 Trends That Are Radically Reshaping Shopper Marketing, www.adweek.com
Online retailers get the picture: Video works, www.internetretailer.com
What Do You Do When Your Customers Are Afraid To Shop Online?, conversionxl.com
Email Marketing
How Brands Can Win in today’s New Era of Programmatic Email, www.martechadvisor.com
How to Wow Your Prospects on Your Website and in The Inbox, blogs.constantcontact.com
Personalization, Email Newsletters and the Future of Email Marketing, movableink.com
Using Email to Acquire New Customers, www.practicalecommerce.com
General Internet Marketing
5 Dangerous Myths About Influencer Marketing, www.toprankblog.com
How should your digital marketing team be structured?, www.econsultancy.com
Understanding the Importance of Personalization in Digital Marketing, www.martechadvisor.com
The Dirty Little Secret of Marketing Tech, adage.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
A Roadmap To Building A Delightful Onboarding Experience For Mobile App Users, www.smashingmagazine.com
Boost your mobile performance with the right ad sizes, adsense.googleblog.com
Is Google AMP Really A Silver Bullet for Mobile Content?, www.cmswire.com
Mobile Ads Are ‘Disastrous’ Afterthought, adage.com
Shopping apps slim down, running risk of inhibiting experience, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
The 4 Mobile App Campaign Types You Need To Know, www.ppchero.com
With apps, brands are creating mobile storefronts for millennials, digiday.com
Other Items
Pew Report: The Terrifying State of the News Media Business, www.theatlantic.com
Reputation Management
How Effective Is Your Online Reputation Management?, www.convinceandconvert.com
The Three-step Online Reputation Management Primer, www.searchenginepeople.com
Social Media
11 Simple Edits to Improve Your Social Media Content, www.searchenginejournal.com
5 Ways to Grow Your LinkedIn Group, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
7 Social Branding Dos and Don’ts, www.adweek.com
Essential Guide to Social Media Marketing Across Generations, www.socialbakers.com
Everything marketers need to know about Snapchat’s new ad announcements, www.econsultancy.com
Instagram for Lead Gen or B2B: It Works, and Here’s How, 3qdigital.com
Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Tweet, www.adweek.com
Snapchat And Facebook Fight To Get Users And Brands To Overshare, www.fastcompany.com
Snapchat says it has basically replaced TV for millennials, qz.com
Twitter Bio Search: 4 Useful Tools, www.internetmarketingninjas.com
Why Boosting Facebook Posts Is Not So Bad After All, www.problogger.net
3 Facebook Live Examples That Generated Sales, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Digital Video Advertising to Grow at Annual Double-Digit Rates, www.emarketer.com
Enhancing Viewing Experience: The Next Stage in Video Marketing, www.martechadvisor.com
Four Ways That Publishers Can Use Twitter Video, www.newswhip.com
Increasing our Investment in Machine Learning, www.Twitter.com
Live Streaming for Business: Former CEO Of As Seen On TV Shares Insights, smallbiztrends.com
Marketers Are Slowly Experimenting With Audio in Their Snapchat and Facebook Videos, www.adweek.com
Publishers are joining forces for Facebook Live videos, digiday.com
Tumblr to launch live video on Tuesday, techcrunch.com
Your art, our science: Video creative that drives impact on YouTube, adwordsagency.blogspot.com