Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
How To Turn One Piece Of Content Into 100 Nov 30, 2015 by Digital Marketing Depot At the core, content repurposing is the act of taking a single piece of content and tailoring it for delivery to multiple channels. All too often, people tend look backward to repurpose, focusing on content that has already been produced. This should be something you do before implementing a content marketing program.
SEOs, SEMs, Analysts & Developers: Teams Save Up To 20% At SMX West Nov 30, 2015 by Marketing Land Do you manage the search marketing team at your company or agency? Sister site Search Engine Land’s SMX West is the ultimate team-building experience. There members will get must-know SEO, SEM, mobile and conversion optimization tactics at more than 50 sessions and from 100 expert presenters.
Study: Mobile “Showroomers” Generally Buy In Stores, 18–34-Year-Olds Most Active Nov 30, 2015 by Greg Sterling We learned over the weekend how prominent mobile devices were in the Black Friday shopping melee. And while a growing number of purchases are happening on mobile devices, smartphones are primarily being used by consumers to find store locations, check hours information and do price comparisons while in stores.
Honda Hosts #OpenTheCheer Twitter Instant-Win Contest For Holiday Sales Event Nov 30, 2015 by Pamela Parker The carmaker worked with RPA to craft a playful video-focused campaign that uses Twitter’s instant-win cards, which were recently introduced and not yet widely available.
3 Google Patents You Need To Know About In 2016 Nov 30, 2015 by Pratik Dholakiya Columnist Pratik Dholakiya outlines three patents that Google is applying for and explains how they could affect search results for both you and your clients.
AdWords Shopping Ads Enhancements: A Roundup Nov 30, 2015 by Frederick Vallaeys Columnist Frederick Vallaeys notes that AdWords has released many new features for Shopping Ads recently. Are you taking advantage of them?
A 3-Step Plan For Easier Email Marketing Nov 30, 2015 by Daniel Faggella Don’t just throw away perfectly reusable email content. Columnist Daniel Faggella outlines some ways to help you create a compelling email campaign without the fuss.
7 Advanced Areas CMOs Must Focus On For 2016 Nov 30, 2015 by Scott Rayden Looking to take your marketing strategy up a notch next year? Columnist Scott Rayden outlines key areas you should zero in on to get ahead in 2016.
New Report Analyzes Ways That Online Retailer Experience Could Trump Discounts Nov 30, 2015 by Barry Levine Sponsored by marketing/commerce platform EPiServer, the study will be complemented by another report early next year that evaluates what worked best in the holiday season.
What’s Old Is New Again: Why Affiliate Marketing Is Growing Nov 30, 2015 by Adam Weiss Columnist Adam Weiss takes a close look at advancements in affiliate marketing and how they’re driving growth in the industry.
Black Friday Weekend: E-Commerce Thinned Crowds, Mobile Devices Drove Traffic Nov 30, 2015 by Greg Sterling Black Friday ain’t what it used to be. The cultural ritual (if I can call it that) appears to have lost some of its mojo, as many retailers, seeking attention and competitive advantage, make Black Friday-style deals available before Thanksgiving. There has also been a shift of some in-store shopping to online (and mobile).
Are Customer Reviews Promoting Your E-Business Like They Should? Nov 27, 2015 by Jeremy Smith Like it or not, customer reviews are a fact of life — and their impact on your business is huge. Columnist Jeremy Smith explains how you can use this to your advantage to promote your brand.
Disappearing Act: Twitter Pulls Share Counts From Tweet Buttons Nov 25, 2015 by Martin Beck The removal of share counts, which Twitter announced in October and executed last week, surprises and frustrates some publishers.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Clean Up Your Messy Marketing Data, www.cmswire.com
Content Metrics: Assessing the Real Impact of Curation, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Blogs & Blogging
20 Things to Remember for Writing a Perfect Blog Post, www.jeffbullas.com
5 Reasons Batching Your Blog Content Can Improve Your Productivity, www.problogger.net
8 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog with Facebook, www.searchenginejournal.com
Don’t Forget Your Blog During the Holidays, www.blogherald.com
Here’s Why Your Guest Post Pitches Are Failing, www.stonetemple.com
Maybe the Blog Isn’t Dead. Maybe., www.ryanhanley.com
What do 3,000 blog post titles reveal about digital marketing in 2015?, econsultancy.com
Business Issues
A Call for Transparency in European Copyright Reform, yahoopolicy.tumblr.com
Google has patented how its driverless cars will talk to you, qz.com
Mark Zuckerberg And Bill Gates Join Forces To Invest In Clean Energy Technology, techcrunch.com
Content Marketing
2016 Content Marketing Plan For Success, heidicohen.com
5 Alternative Ways To Share Content Other Than Social Media, smallbiztrends.com
A 4-Step Approach to Create Content That Hits the Mark, contentmarketinginstitute.com
How to Take the Challenger Sales Approach to Content Marketing, www.convinceandconvert.com
Six ways to maximize the impact of your content marketing, econsultancy.com
Why Good Infographics Are More Than Just Pictures and Numbers, contently.com
Conversion Optimization
A beginner’s guide to A/B testing, econsultancy.com
Apply Emotions and Learn More from Your A/B Tests, blog.optimizely.com
Don’t Leave Me: How To Optimize Exit-Intent Popups, blog.crazyegg.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Copywriting ALERT! 902 Headline Banging Words, SRSLY, www.aimclearblog.com
Should writers be worried about automated copywriting?, econsultancy.com
Page Speed: Are Slow Loading Pages Killing Your Growth?, company-enterprise.myshopify.com
Using Mobile UX To Make Your Business More Visible During The Holiday Season, usabilitygeek.com
What is Remote Usability Testing?, www.usertesting.com
Writing Irresistible Headlines, www.compukol.com
3 reasons you shouldn’t kick yourself for selling a short domain name too soon, domainnamewire.com
5 Tools to Track and Measure Your Domain’s Social Impact, www.ducttapemarketing.com
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Cart Abandonment, multichannelmerchant.com
Clicks Defeat Bricks During Black Friday Holiday Weekend, adage.com
E-retailers enjoy a 24% jump in Thanksgiving sales, www.internetretailer.com
How to avoid becoming a victim of your e-commerce success, www.internetretailer.com
More Than 121 Million Holiday Shoppers Plan to Shop Online on Cyber Monday, nrf.com
Online Shoppers Spent Nearly Half A Billion Early Cyber Monday, Sales On Track To Hit $3 Billion, techcrunch.com
The dubious history of Cyber Monday, on its 10th birthday, qz.com
With new ad, Amazon suggests its drone delivery program is real, digiday.com
Email Marketing
15 Last-Minute Holiday Email Ideas to End 2015 with a Bang, blogs.constantcontact.com
2015 Thanksgiving, Black Friday Email Trends, www.practicalecommerce.com
Delivering Value with Email Personalization, blog.movableink.com
Email shines over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, www.internetretailer.com
First Look at Black Friday 2015: Mobile Email Clicks Rise Sharply, www.silverpop.com
Get Started with Email Marketing Personalization, www.verticalresponse.com
General Internet Marketing
5 Things To Consider When Spending Your Online Marketing Budget, www.searchenginepeople.com
How to Achieve the Most Success from Holiday Marketing Campaigns, www.martechadvisor.com
Over Half of CMOs Still Not Using Omni-Channel Marketing Strategies, www.convinceandconvert.com
12 Content Marketing Tools to Improve Your Productivity, www.searchenginejournal.com
Seven avoidable marketing automation mistakes, econsultancy.com
Why We’re Building the Next Era of Content Marketing Tech, contently.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
3 big mistakes brands make on mobile, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
4 Hot Mobile Marketing Trends to Watch in 2016, blog.kissmetrics.com
7 Common Mobile Mistakes that Kill your Conversions, ignitevisibility.com
Holiday Weekend a Big Win for Mobile, streetfightmag.com
How Do Mobile Users in China Consume Content?, www.emarketer.com
Instagram Tests Multi-Account Support for Android App, www.adweek.com
Report: Mobile Visits to Retailer Websites on the Rise, www.adweek.com
The New Wave Of Selling On Mobile, techcrunch.com
What happens when mobile operators align with ad blockers, digiday.com
Reputation Management
Holiday Reputation Management Action Plan, www.searchenginejournal.com
Social Media
Google+ Is More Popular Than You Think, www.globalwebindex.net
15 reasons your brand should be on Snapchat, econsultancy.com
3 Facebook Ad Features You Aren’t Using (But Should Be), www.searchenginejournal.com
4 Types of Holiday Content That Capture Attention on Instagram, blogs.constantcontact.com
7 Must Haves for Your Holiday Social Media Strategy, smallbiztrends.com
7 Types of Twitter Contests to Boost Your Reach And Engagement, www.adweek.com
8 Twitter Tips to Improve Your Twitter Marketing, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Agencies love Periscope, but Twitter fails to capitalize, digiday.com
Decking the Holidays with Instagram, blog.business.instagram.com
Facebook Conversion Pixel Changes: What Marketers Need to Know, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
How To Mount the Most Successful Holiday Campaigns on Social Media Platforms, multichannelmerchant.com
How to View Twitter Share Counts, www.smallbusinessideasblog.com
Misconceptions about Facebook Advertising, www.searchenginejournal.com
Social Media Marketing Opportunities for B2B Brands, www.toprankblog.com
The Twitter Campaign Objective Guide, blog.adstage.io
3 Major Online Video Engagement Trends You Must Know, www.martechadvisor.com
Retailers are spending 200 percent more on skippable YouTube ads this year, digiday.com
Three Basic Elements to Help You Create the Perfect Video, www.problogger.net
YouTube Changes at a Rate of 33% a Year, www.reelseo.com