Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Limelight Scores $3 Million To Launch Its Live Marketing Platform In U.S. Jan 15, 2016 by Barry Levine Toronto-based company says this is the first set of digital tools designed specifically for face-to-face events like test drives, in-person product sampling, trade shows and the like.
Report: Microsoft To Buy Global Mobile Ad Platform InMobi — [Updated] Jan 15, 2016 by Greg Sterling According to an unconfirmed report, Microsoft is buying mobile ad network/platform InMobi. The company, which is based in Bangalore, India, says that its network touches more than a billion users per month.
Why Grave Misconceptions About SEO Still Persist Jan 15, 2016 by Jayson DeMers Myths and misconceptions about search engine optimization just don’t seem to go away. Columnist Jayson DeMers offers an explanation for why this is so and what SEO professionals can do about it.
Four Key Mobile And Location-Based Trends For 2016 Jan 15, 2016 by Aaron Strout From mobile payments to the IoT, columnist Aaron Strout takes a look at the top trends in mobile we should expect to see this year.
Time To Exercise The Right Brain In Marketing Jan 15, 2016 by Claudine Bianchi In a world inundated with messaging and branding, we need to look beyond the numbers and tools and focus on how to connect with people. Columnist Claudine Bianchi explains.
Facebook’s “Find-a-Friend” Contacts-Invitation Tool Ruled Illegal In Germany Jan 15, 2016 by Greg Sterling Facebook’s “friend finder” contacts-invitation function has been found to violate Germany’s data protection rules. The country’s highest court also called it a deceptive marketing practice and has ordered the feature disabled in Germany.
Minneapolis-Based Startup Nabs $3 Million To Offer Brand-Sponsored Online Courses Jan 14, 2016 by Barry Levine Launched late last year, The Big Know is providing expert-created courses about happiness, stress, diabetes and other topics for thousands of students at a time.
Which Publishers Are Winning On Facebook? HuffPo & BuzzFeed Take The Lead Jan 14, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg These news brands won on Facebook in December 2015, seeing success in covering topics such as gun control, politics and the environment.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Blogs & Blogging
Simple 5 Step Blog Post Formula Anyone Can Follow, heidicohen.com
Business Issues
Content Marketing
3 Resources to Help Your Content-Driven Website Flourish, www.copyblogger.com
Content Marketing for People Who Hate Writing, contently.com
How Much of Your Content Marketing Is Effective?, www.martechadvisor.com
How To Diagnose Ineffective Content (and Turn Your Performance Around), blog.crazyegg.com
How to Keep Content Marketing and Demand Gen Teams In Sync, www.cmswire.com
The Jargon Monster: What Is Content Marketing, Really?, contently.com
The Marketplace of Content, www.conversationagent.com
Conversion Optimization
Copywriting, Design & Usability
3 Steps To Guide Your Client Through A Redesign, www.ppchero.com
5 Fast Rules of Digital Experience Success, www.cmswire.com
Customer Experiences are Marketing, www.jeffkorhan.com
Web design convergence: What? Why? And does it matter?, econsultancy.com
Apparently, I Was Wrong About “Brandable” Domain Names, www.domaininvesting.com
Why you shouldn’t go bananas over Banana.com domain name sale, domainnamewire.com
Amazon Has Just Registered to Sell Ocean Freight, www.flexport.com
Amazon is cutting the price of its Prime membership to $73 just for this weekend, qz.com
Venture Capital Is Terrible At Online Shopping, techcrunch.com
Why touch commerce will reign supreme in 2016, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Email Marketing
Retailers Rely on Triggered Emails, www.emarketer.com
Video + email: These 5 brands nailed it, myemma.com
General Internet Marketing
17 Platforms That Will Make You a Better Marketer, contently.com
A Guiding Light Into The Future Of Marketing, techcrunch.com
Data-Driven CMOs: Leaving the Information Age, analytics.blogspot.com
Boost ROI With Predictive Marketing, www.cmswire.com
How to Close the B-to-B Ad-Tech Gap, adage.com
The MarTech You’ll Need in 5 Years, www.cmswire.com
Which Industries Use Digital Tools the Most (and Least)?, www.marketingprofs.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
Best practices for advertising in mobile commerce, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Google Is Finally Rolling Out App Promo Codes In The Play Store, www.androidpolice.com
How App Store Ratings Impact Downloads, www.adweek.com
Social Media
7 Steps For An Effective Social Media Marketing Plan, www.ducttapemarketing.com
Facebook Audience Overlap: Find Commonalities Between Audiences, www.jonloomer.com
Five Tips for Creating and Using a Great Event Hashtag, www.marketingprofs.com
How Are Paid Facebook Campaigns Impacting Other Searches?, smallbiztrends.com
How branded online communities can boost your ROI, www.martechadvisor.com
How to Gather Fan Feedback on Social Media, www.convinceandconvert.com
The Second Generation of Sharing, www.adweek.com
Twitter now lets you set the duration of your polls, venturebeat.com
Want Social Engagement? Invest in Original Content, Not Super Bowl Tweets, contently.com
Why Do I get Served THOSE Facebook Ads?!, www.searchenginepeople.com
8+ Tips to Create a Great Script for Successful Videos, contentmarketinginstitute.com
The Copyranter guide to making a viral video, digiday.com