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Marketing Day: Messenger now has video ads, Adwords tools for YouTube ads & more

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. 2018 paid search benchmark report from Adthena — How do you compare? Jun 20, 2018 by Digital Marketing Depot A challenge in the search industry is that typically advertisers only have access to a single data set (their own). Competitive insights allow advertisers to benchmark individual performance against industry or category averages. For senior decision-makers in digital, this intelligence can be used to refine, iterate and optimize search campaigns.

  2. Facebook gives autoplay video ads in Messenger a go Jun 20, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues A Facebook spokesperson says they’re in the “beginning stages” of placing video ads in Messenger.

  3. Advertisers will soon have AdWords tools to test & measure creative elements of YouTube video ads Jun 20, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues YouTube’s new creative suite — which includes Video Experiments, Video Creative Analytics, YouTube Director Mix and Video Ad Sequencing — is still in beta.

  4. Viant’s updated TV platform knows what you’re watching — and can immediately re-target your mobile devices with the same ad Jun 20, 2018 by Barry Levine The people-based ad tech firm has enlarged its automatic content recognition platform to deliver related ads in near-real time to other devices.

  5. Ask the #SMXpert: Smart B2B SEM Tactics Jun 20, 2018 by Pamela Parker If you have a question on A/B split testing or are having challenges with ABM targeting on paid search, read on. Contributor Brad Geddes answers these questions and more in our continuing SMXpert series!

  6. Report: Key to SMB advertiser retention is onboarding engagement and early upselling Jun 20, 2018 by Greg Sterling Vendasta offers an anti-churn formula of sorts to marketing companies serving the small business market.

  7. After data leak, 3 of 4 US carriers vow to stop selling user location to third parties Jun 20, 2018 by Greg Sterling The widespread use of location in the third party data ecosystem is almost completely opaque to consumers.

  8. Survey: 58% will share personal data under the right circumstances Jun 20, 2018 by Greg Sterling Those circumstances mostly involve first parties and require trust and a clear value exchange.

  9. Should you keep your best content on your site or send it away? Jun 20, 2018 by Julie Joyce Contributor Julie Joyce looks at the pros and cons of keeping content on your site versus sending it away.

Recent Headlines From MarTech Today, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Marketing Technology:

  1. Reverse-engineering GDPR: Why our intentions shape our reality Jun 20, 2018 by Kristoffer Nelson Contributor Kristoffer Nelson suggests you learn to stop worrying and love GDPR, because the new consumer-friendly data environment is here to stay.

  2. Advanced AdWords Strategies to Personalize Experiences and Drive Revenue Jun 20, 2018 by Digital Marketing Depot Paid search is brutally competitive. Everyone is using the same tactics to drive conversions. How do you separate your AdWords campaigns from your competitors’ to acquire more customers at a lower CPL? The answer is with personalization. 

  3. Tokenized loyalty platform Sweet offers Sugar tokens to energize fans Jun 20, 2018 by Barry Levine The platform is one of the first to actually deploy reward tokens for stimulating brand fervor.

  4. Advertiser ID Consortium integrates with IAB Tech Lab’s DigiTrust ID Jun 20, 2018 by Ginny Marvin The integration gives members access to the non-profit’s solution for standardized identity.

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:

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