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Marketing Day: May 9, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

After peaking in February, referral traffic from Pinterest has declined for two consecutive months. That’s according to new data from the social sharing tool provider Shareaholic. Analyzing traffic to the 200,000 publishers that use its social sharing buttons, Shareaholic shows traffic from Pinterest representing 0.74 percent of all traffic during April, down from 0.8 percent […]

Love or hate Google+ itself, there’s one thing that almost everyone could agree on: Its iPhone app has looked and behaved like something Google cooked up as a last-minute afterthought. No more. Google has just announced a much-needed overhaul of the Google+ iPhone app and … while I can’t speak to how it works yet […]

Google Maps 6.7 for Android brings richer indoor mapping with walking directions. It also incorporates nearby Google Offers and displays those on a map. The “nearby offers” functionality has been available on apps such as Foursquare and Yelp for some time. Other mobile deal apps, such as Scoutmob or Citysearch, also show you nearby offers […]

Social check-in service Foursquare will start displaying personalized coupons as a part of its application in July, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. When the start-up releases the next version of its mobile app, it will include functionality that displays promoted personalized local specials purchased by advertisers. For merchants, offering specials is […]

“I don’t get why you keep saying ‘direct response.’ I don’t get that term — it just doesn’t make sense to me. Everything we do is direct response. There isn’t a single piece of marketing we run that is not designed to get a response.” And with those few words, I felt dumb. For more […]

The Bing statement about mobile SEO last month, which followed Google’s announcement about the new smartphone crawler in December, has sparked some discussion, and given mobile SEO some time in the spotlight. The debate has been interesting, but all of it seems to focus a bit too much on the wrong question. The search engines all […]

Facebook has redesigned the Ad Creation tool adding a more streamlined, intuitive approach to creating ads. The biggest changes are layout based and give users a simpler path to creating their ads. The biggest change is the first step, the destination. Users can choose an external URL, page, domain, application, place or event. Each of […]

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