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Marketing Day: May 4, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Google is reportedly negotiating with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to determine the fine it will pay for bypassing the privacy settings on Apple’s Safari web browser. That’s according to a Bloomberg report that cites a “person familiar with the matter.” Bloomberg’s source says that Google could face a fine of “tens of millions of […]

Happy Star Wars Day. The force did seem to be with us this week. LinkedIn acquired SlideShare, both SEOmoz and AVOS landed new rounds of funding and Bing did some spring cleaning. But the dark side did rear its ugly head as Tumblr’s President departed and Yahoo’s CEO was caught lying on his resume. SlideShare […]

It’s a critical time for Yahoo, as the company tries to get back on track with a new CEO after recent layoffs and years of challenges. Now, it turns out this new CEO, Scott Thompson, came in with an inaccuracy in his resume — his bios in various places claimed he had a computer science […]

I just watched the full 31-minute Facebook IPO roadshow video. It’s an incredibly well-produced — even at times emotional — presentation that seeks to cast Facebook in the best light possible to investors or anyone watching it. It’s a kind of utopian vision of what Facebook is and aspires to be in the future. However […]

Instagram sold for $1 billion! Slideshare is being purchased for $118 million! Facebook about to go public for $100 billion! Apple’s on its way to being worth $1 trillion dollars! A tech bubble? Who cares. With valuations like these, we need a new way of measure the worth of a company. Allow me to introduce […]

Although phishing attacks were down worldwide in the second half of 2011, they were up significantly inside China and, as a result, a Chinese domain name replaced as the most commonly phished domain name. The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) recently published its 2011 Global Phishing Survey (PDF download), which says that phishing attacks “exploded” […]

Professional social network LinkedIn today announced it has agreed to acquire presentation sharing service SlideShare for $118 million in stock and cash, while also reporting earnings of $5 million on revenues of $188 million in the first quarter. Analysts had only expected $179 million in revenue. The SlideShare acquisition will help LinkedIn add additional features […]

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