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Marketing Day: May 31, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. How To Get A Million Repins On Pinterest: 5 Questions With Better Homes & Gardens Digital Editorial Manager Earlier this month, we learned Better Homes and Gardens ranked in the top five brands for Pinterest boards with the most repins, likes and comments. Generating more than a million repins, BHG’s Blogger Recipes We Love board won the top spot for Pinterest board with the most repins. The Blogger Faves from board claimed […]

  2. LinkedIn Adds Two-Factor Authentication; Following Twitter, Facebook, Google & Others LinkedIn announced they have added the two-factor authentication option for users to help protect their accounts on the popular business-focused social network. LinkedIn said they have added an “optional feature that adds another layer of security to your LinkedIn sign-in: two-step verification.” How does it work? (1) Go to “Privacy & Settings” under your account […]

  3. Twitter Simplifies Profile Photo & Background Image Editing Okay, brands, you’re running out of excuses not to have a nice custom background and a solid photo/logo for your Twitter profile. Twitter has simplified the process of adding or changing profile photos and background images by bringing the editor right out on your Twitter profile, rather than making those changes possible only in account […]

  4. What Images Get Pinned On Pinterest? Red Beats Blue, Portrait Over Landscape & Lose The Faces According to visual analytics and marketing platform Curalate, brand images on Pinterest are 23 percent more likely to receive a repin if the image does not contain a face. Using custom algorithms to evaluate more than 500,000 Pinterest images, Curalate researched how an image’s visual characteristics influence social media activity. Examining 30 different visual characteristics, […]

  5. Google Stands In For “The Emerald City” In The Internship Movie There’s a scene near the climax of the film The Internship, starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson (opening June 7), where they and their team of Google summer interns try to sell a local pizza restaurant on Google advertising (presumably AdWords). Many of the different Google tools and services are paraded out (i.e., search, Google […]

  6. Hidden Data In Your Amazon Associate Reports Like many other Internet marketers, one of the first things I do each day is check my Amazon Associates account to see how much I earned the day before. I also check to see how many and what products were ordered the day before, knowing that I will earn my commission on them once they […]

  7. LinkedIn Updates Get Richer: Upload Images, Documents & Presentations In A Post Until today, LinkedIn users were able to post content to the social networking site in two formats: simple text based updates and links. New upgrades will allow users to add files in updates instead of forcing users to link off to other locations. This comes on the heels of the announcement that users could upload […]

  8. The Changing Definition of Inbound Marketing: Why SEOs & SEMs Should Care There’s been a lot of talk over the past few days about inbound marketing – see this discussion at in response to Rand Fishkin’s post announcing the rebranding of SEOmoz as just “Moz.” In that post, Rand sets up a distinction between “inbound marketing” and “interruption marketing,” as shown here:   A lot of […]

  9. Twitter Set To Launch FBX-Like Retargeting Ad Exchange [Report] In its latest effort to beef up advertising offerings, Twitter is aiming to get in on the rise of retargeting and programmatic, real-time ad buying. The company is gearing up to launch a new ad retargeting exchange that would function much like the successful Facebook Exchange (FBX) and allow brands to retarget ads to site […]

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