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Marketing Day: May 29, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Google’s YouTube won a legal victory today when a French court dismissed a copyright violation lawsuit filed against by TF1, a French television company. According to a New York Times report, TF1′s lawsuit asked the court to rule that YouTube was required to pre-filter all content before it was published on the site. But the […]

You probably heard already, but Facebook went public recently. Millions of inches of newsprint, and the digital equivalent, have already been written about what happened, but one thing that was mentioned time and time again, is that just prior to the IPO, General Motors decided to pull its ad spend from the social networking giant. […]

The confusion and cacophony around mobile payments, it seems, grows louder with each new product release or startup. Most people would consider mobile payments to be in their infancy. However a report from Gartner projects mobile payments this year will reach a massive $171.5 billion on a global basis. Last year mobile payments were roughly […]

Bitly has rolled out a major overhaul today, expanding its service beyond URL shortening into something that looks like its own social network, with bits of Stumbleupon and in the mix, too. The update includes a new user interface (with a new fish logo, shown at right), new user profile pages, more visibility for […]

While Facebook’s stock price continues to drop, the number of acquisitions is steadily increasing. From Instagram to Karma, Facebook has been busy the last few months, and according to TheNextWeb, rumors have been swirling that another acquisition could be underway., a facial recognition tool, is the alleged acquisition target. Deeming itself “The world’s largest and most […]

In my last article, I wrote about getting back to the core of digital marketing effectiveness by focusing on the consumer. That article was focused on the “why” of this issue — namely, the massive digital divide between consumers engaging in real-time across channels and the marketers who are trying to reach and engage them, […]

Governments that had previously closed the book on Street View privacy investigations appear to be considering “round two,” in the wake of the FCC report that asserted that the personal data collected was not inadvertent but intentional. Privacy regulators in both the UK and Australia are now considering reopening Street View privacy cases that were […]

In politics, the act of drawing, reviewing and re-structuring district lines for voting purposes to ensure that like demographics are aligned is a common practice. These lines appear bizarre when viewed on a map due to the non-uniform nature of redistricting. Why don’t politicians just use ZIP codes? Politicians learned many years ago that zip […]

It was probably inevitable that Yahoo’s Livestand app would be discontinued — as was announced earlier today. Though a noble attempt, it was always a weaker product than some of its competitors, including Flipboard and Zite. Livestand was announced in November, just six months ago. Whatever strategy gave birth to Livestand, under Carol Bartz, is […]

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