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Marketing Day: May 24, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Founder Of First Bid-Based PPC Search Engine Launches New Mobile Ad Solution Mobile application and ad solutions developer UberMedia has launched UberAds, a mobile ad platform that cross references public social media signals with geo-location data to deliver targeted advertisements across multiple screens. Started in 2010, UberMedia is an Idealab company, founded by Bill Gross. Gross, CEO of both Idealab and UberMedia, is credited with launching, […]

  2. Instagram Restores Blocked Accounts After “Temporary Glitch” Instagram users of the world can relax again. The small number of people who couldn’t get into their accounts yesterday should have access again, and no, Instagram isn’t planning a mass delete of inactive accounts. #DontDeleteMyAccount Panic On Instagram Over Account Deletion Rumor, our story yesterday, covers how some on Instagram began panicking yesterday over […]

  3. Local Search On Google Glass: Part 4 Of The Google Glass Diary Series If (When?) Google Glass becomes popular, local businesses could stand to gain a lot of visibility — and perhaps new customers — from wearers looking for information about what’s around them or what’s in the place where they’re going. Local search and navigation should be a pretty common usage of Glass, and it’s certainly one […]

  4. iAd Becomes First Mobile Ad Network To Earn Media Ratings Council Accreditation The Media Ratings Council gave iAd, Apple’s mobile ad platform for iPhone and iPad, full accreditation earlier this month. The accreditation marks a first for a major mobile ad platform. The display ad industry has been beset by pressure from media buyers and advertisers to serve ads that are actually viewable by users. Some 31percent of display ads are […]

  5. Defining Success On Pinterest Social media has, since its introduction, created a conundrum for marketers: how do we measure success? It’s all well and good to gain followers and likes, but what does that really mean in terms of bottom-line impact? Pinterest, the latest addition to the social set, introduces a whole new set of opportunities, as well as […]

  6. New: Google AdSense Ad Code For Responsive Design, A/B Testing & More With the latest update to the “Modifying Ad Code,” Google now allows publishers to make some changes to their AdSense ad code. Google has provided code snippets to help publishers implement the following techniques with their ads: Responsive design: Create a single webpage that will adapt to the device on which it’s being viewed – however, […]

  7. #DontDeleteMyAccount Panic On Instagram Over Account Deletion Rumor It’s unclear how it happened, but apparently, some on Instagram are living in fear the service is about to delete their accounts, if they aren’t posting or are using Instagram directly to take pictures. That’s not the case, though some people may have had accounts deleted for other reasons, like a term of service violation. […]

  8. More Antritrust Pain For Google: FTC To Probe Display Ads Biz According to Bloomberg, Google is facing yet another antitrust headache at the hands of the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The agency is fresh off a settlement earlier this year with Mountain View over its search market dominance. This time, the FTC will reportedly be probing the display side of Google’s online advertising business. The […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:


Blogs & Blogging

Business Issues

  1. Draw Something From This: Yahoo’s Design Chief Tim Parsey To Depart, All Things D

  2. As Pinterest Meets With Marketers, Evolving Business Model Gets Clearer, Ad Age

  3. Automattic After-Market,

  4. Celebrity endorsement network Adly raises an extra $2 million and launches new engagement products,

  5. ChannelAdvisor goes public, Internet Retailer

  6. Flickr’s new Fail Panda surfaces as the Yahoo-owned site suffers first downtime since its revamp, The Next Web

  7. Google Plans to Develop Wireless Networks in Emerging Markets, Wall Street Journal

  8. Google will reportedly use Samsung’s OLED display technology for the consumer version of Glass, The Next Web

  9. John Doerr doesn’t think Google Glass is like the Segway, Pando Daily

  10. Let’s Talk About Why Yahoo Really Bought Tumblr: Native Advertising, ReadWrite

  11. Paul Adams Leaves Facebook For Intercom, Business Insider

  12. The real origins of Tumblr,

  13. Yahoo Submits Bid for Hulu, All Things D

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