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Marketing Day: May 24, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Facebook has begun rolling out Promoted Posts, a new tool that lets Page owners spend money to show status updates to more fans. At the moment, we can use Promoted Posts from our Marketing Land page, but it’s not available to us on Search Engine Land’s page, which has about seven times more “Likes.” Only […]

Later today, Facebook Camera will be available as a standalone app for the iPhone. That’s probably great news for a lot of Facebook users, but on a bigger scale, Google+ and Flickr probably have good reason to be worried. As shown in Facebook’s announcement, the new Camera app will allow both photo sharing and consumption. […]

Research firm IDC is out with Q1 global smartphone estimates. These are shipments and not sales estimates. However the striking thing is that the market is totally dominated by Android and iOS. The former has about 60 percent share and iOS has 23 percent. The estimates don’t include tablets/iPads however. Source: IDC Windows is seen […]

Too many marketers are relying on clicks and CTR as mobile success metrics. While CTR has validity in PC search campaigns, clicks are a lazy or sloppy metric in mobile that don’t tell you that much about how your campaign is actually performing (in most cases). It’s therefore critical to go beyond the click and […]

Most analyses of General Motors’ pulling of its $10 million Facebook ad spend last week focused on the shortcomings of the social network — the ads aren’t immersive and engaging, the tracking isn’t what it should be. Perhaps that’s understandable in a week when the world’s critical eyes were on the 8-year-old company that was […]

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Social Media

  1. STUDY: Noise, promotion and spam will reduce your Twitter followers,

  2. 18 Tools to Develop Your Brand on Facebook,

  3. A Jennifer Egan Original … Tweet by Tweet, New York Times

  4. Facebook App Developers Can Restrict Access To Open Graph Stories,

  5. Facebook Is Testing out Region Switching for Pages,

  6. Google+ for Android: polish and performance,

  7. Groups: A new view, new API methods, and add from Uploadr, Flickr Blog

  8. Hey, a New Use for LinkedIn: A Viral Marketing Campaign for Prometheus,

  9. How Facebook Can Take Photos Beyond Its New ‘Camera’ and Instagram, Ad Age

  10. How Much Emphasis Should MBA Programs Place on Social Media?,

  11. Social Media Measurement Model [Infographic],

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