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Marketing Day: May 23, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Enterprise Social Media Management Software: A Marketer’s Guide If you’re responsible for social media for a large organization, odds are good that you either use automated tools or are giving serious thought to using them. At enterprise scale, it’s virtually impossible to manage an effective social program without some kind of software assistance. The good news is that over the past year, social […]

  2. Facebook’s Mobile Development Tool Parse Will Strengthen App-Developer Ties In a Facebook “whiteboard” session today at the company’s headquarters, it introduced press and analysts to its recently acquired mobile app development platform Parse and its former CEO Ilya Sukhar (who heads the Parse unit of Facebook). Sukhar seems like he could be Mark Zuckerburg’s first cousin. For those who’ve never heard of Parse, it […]

  3. Twitter Launches TV Ad Targeting Beta For Select Advertisers Powered by its acquisition of Bluefin Labs, Twitter has launched TV ad targeting for Promoted Tweets. The service launches today in a limited beta for select advertisers running national TV campaigns in the U.S. Twitter is aiming to help marketers reach the 64 percent of users who use Twitter while watching TV at home. According to the company, 32 […]

  4. Infographic: A Guide To Facebook Page Post Ads Feeling confused about Facebook ads? Just understanding one type, Page Post Ads, might seem overwhelming. But the infographic below from the people at Ampush takes you through the type of Page Post ads that can be done, from photos posts, video posts, link posts and text posts — plus “unpublished posts” that let you target specific […]

  5. 2 Ways To Use Competitive Intelligence On Email Subscriber Lists If you’re like most email marketers, the size of your email list is an important metric to measure. The problem is that there’s no perfect size for an email list. It varies based on industry, audience and business. However, most marketers can, and do, measure the monthly rate of growth using their own numbers as […]

  6. Google Publisher Toolbar For AdSense Users Gets An Update The Google Publisher Toolbar, the Chrome extension that allows publishers to block AdSense ads and access earnings and performance reports, got a revamp this week. The new toolbar interface includes: Pop-up account overview: Estimated account earnings summary for today, yesterday, this month and last month; information on your top 5 channels or sites by revenue over […]

  7. The 5 Most Common Pitfalls In Mobile App Marketing Modern audiences are becoming more and more mobile; they are constantly switched-on and are ready to compare data and make consumer decisions at the drop of a hat. At the same time, mobile applications are becoming increasingly popular and have already been proven to increase revenues for companies that have taken the plunge into the […]

  8. Doing Direct Response On Facebook: Using Facebook Pixels All advertisers on Facebook aim to turn users into customers. At the end of the day, marketing is about generating sales and making money, of course. But when you run ads on Facebook, it can be difficult to see to the end of the funnel. Often, advertisers get lost in the quantity of metrics and data […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

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  1. LinkedIn Acqui-hires Team Behind Maybe, Social Times

  2. No, Yelp Doesn’t “Extort” Small Businesses. See For Yourself., Yelp Official Blog

  3. “The Internship” Director Shawn Levy on Making a Movie About Google, All Things D

  4. Foursquare opens their full firehose of check-in data via Gnip, About Foursquare

  5. Giving data nerds access to the realtime pulse of check-ins around the world,

  6. Gnip Full Coverage of Anonymized Foursquare Check-In Data Now Available Exclusively from Gnip,

  7. Kim Dotcom accuses Google, Facebook, and Twitter of violating his two-step security patent,

  8. Microsoft Has Another New Ad Bashing The iPad, Business Insider

  9. Yahoo Buys Gaming Platform PlayerScale, Mashable

  10. Yahoo Hires Longtime McKinsey Exec DeVine to Head Global Ops, All Things D

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