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Marketing Day: May 16, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Facebook Wants More App Developers Using Sections, Offers Best Practices & Adds New Analytics to App Insights In an effort to get more app developers on board using sections, the Facebook Developer blog released a list of best practices for creating customized sections and added section timeline analytics to their App Insight tool. After replacing aggregations with app sections last month, Facebook has rolled-out sections to everyone, and according to the blog […]

  2. Curation Firm Has Pushed 25 Billion Social Updates Off Of Devices & Onto To Digital Displays Near You If social curation & integration firm Mass Relevance has its way, you’ll have social content surrounding you in the offline world. As of today they’ve reached a new milestone as they’ve integrated more than 25 billion pieces of social content on digital displays around the world. In 2011 Mass Relevance became the first Certified Twitter partner […]

  3. Yahoo & Twitter Bring Real-Time Tweets To Yahoo’s Newsfeed Yahoo announced a partnership with Twitter today to include real-time tweets from media outlets, politicians and celebrities in the Yahoo homepage newsfeed. In a post titled “@yahoo delivers #bestoftheweb”, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer said users will see “relevant and personalized Tweets alongside stories from Yahoo! and other sources.” Users will be able to follow tweet […]

  4. Google Shows Off New Twitter, Facebook Apps Available Now For Google Glass Google has just added apps from Facebook, Twitter, CNN and others for the Google Glass device, and shown a preview of them to a packed house in the “Developing for Glass” session at Google I/O. Several new apps are now available for Android users via the MyGlass app that serves as the Glass’ headquarters: Facebook […]

  5. Live Blog: Fireside Chat with the Google+ Platform Team What’s going on with Google+ as a platform? That’s what today’s “Fireside Chat” session is about. We’re live blogging it from Google I/O. Let’s see what comes up! You’ll find a livestream here, and the live blog gets going at 10am PT. Speakers are: Seth Sternberg, David Glazer, Sandy Jen, Jennifer Lin, chee chew, Vic […]

  6. Bing Ads Releases New Updates With Keyword Suggestions Expanded To The UK Advertisers using the Yahoo!Bing Ad Network received a number of updates in April, including new search and filter options, search query reports that include stop words and special characters, and updated ad appeal rules with new appeal status designations to avoid confusion on whether or not an appealed ad is active. Bing Ads has also […]

  7. Facebook Retargeting Partner Triggit Lands $6 Million In New Funding In a sign of the strength of Facebook’s retargeting ad network, Facebook Exchange (FBX) partner Triggit has secured $6 million in additional funding, led by North Atlantic Capital. FBX, which only officially launched last September, allows advertisers to target ads to site visitors when they are on Facebook. Triggit will use the funds to invest […]

  8. User-Generated Video Ad Units Come To Facebook Newsfeeds Through New Partnership Word-of-mouth marketing at scale has been one of the Internet’s greatest — and most elusive — allures for brands. Through a new partnership announced today, social rich media platform Moontoast and user-generated video platform VideoGenie are aiming to make it easier for brands to achieve that scale through Facebook. In a first, marketers will be […]

  9. Hashtag Bombs: How Not to Leverage Trending Hashtags When it comes to social media marketing, many brands and organizations have staked claim to various hashtags. Yet by their nature, hashtags can’t be owned. They can’t be wordmarked or copyrighted, either. The reality is that many hashtags are started organically, not by brands themselves but by their customers. Hashtags were once the sole domain […]

  10. How Valuable is Local Search? Depends on Where You’re Targeting…. As we move into an age where personal computing is dominated by mobile devices, there has been a push across the advertising industry for hyper-local advertisements. Targeting consumers with ads tailored to their locale increases the relevance of advertising, focusing on markets that pertain to the environment around the user. However, when it comes to […]

  11. Women Tech Leaders Talk Success At Google I/O No women in tech? Women are invisible in tech? As part of the pushback against such problems and sometimes mistaken assumptions, Google I/O featured an end-of-day session with seven women who’ve been extremely successful in tech. And, the advice they shared was hardly for women only. Speaking as part of the “7 Techmakers & A […]

  12. Microsoft To YouTube: Where’s That Interoperability Larry Page Was Talking About? Microsoft and Google are involved in a battle over the YouTube app for Windows Phones, and Microsoft has followed a cease-and-desist letter from Google by questioning Google’s commitment to interoperability and working together. As The Verge reported today, Google sent Microsoft a cease-and-desist letter demanding that Microsoft remove the YouTube app from its Windows Phone […]

  13. App Downloads: Apple Reaches 50 Billion, Google Play 48 Billion At the Google I/O keynote this morning, Google announced that Google Play had seen 48 billion app downloads. This was on the heels of the announcement that there were 900 million Android device activations since inception. Later in the day at roughly 5 pm US Eastern time, Apple said that its App Store saw its […]

  14. Up Close With The New Google+ Related Hashtags The new look for Google+ is rolling out now, and with it, the new “related hashtags.” These allow you to see other posts that are related to the one you’re reading, if that post uses a hashtag. The New Hashtag Tab For example, consider this: In this post, it made use of the #io13 hashtag. […]

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