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Marketing Day: May 16, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Is bad weather good for business? Or is good weather a pain in the bottom line? Weather Underground has launched what may be the first of its kind — a tool that lets marketers track sales against local weather conditions. It’s called “Sales Tracker,” and it’s part of a new (and still in beta) Business […]

The harsh truth on email image blocking comes as one of the earliest lessons in email design. It’s hardly a new one, though, and we have a standard best practices short list to “optimize for images-off” — use live text for copy, include alternative text on images, make buttons bulletproof and so forth. The list […]

Yes, Google+ has 170 million users, but just how active are they? A recent report from RJ Metrics suggests that based on public posts from 40,000 Google Plus accounts, engagement is poor. The average public Google+ post is seeing less than one +1, less than one reply and less than one re-share. The article cites the fact […]

It couldn’t have happened at a worse time for Facebook, which has its initial public offering of stock later this week. General Motors has decided to stop advertising on the social networking giant, citing concerns about the site’s effectiveness. Meanwhile, a Forrester analyst says other companies are having doubts The GM news comes from a Wall […]

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